Do Faraday pouches wear out?

I saw this posted in a reply by our local police force in response to a query about Faraday pouches. Were you aware they wore out?

Dear Watch Member,

Keyless vehicles are often targeted by criminals using signal relay equipment, which can pick up the fob’s signal from outside a home and use it to unlock and start vehicles without physically having the key.

Using a signal blocking pouch, such as a Faraday bag, or storing your key fob and any spare keys in a metal box can help prevent the equipment from working effectively. If you can, turn off the wireless signals on your fob when not in use and ensure that keys are kept as far away from vehicles as possible.

Faraday pouches only last for a few months so keep key fobs in an aluminium box or line a small box with aluminium foil.

Asked on 28 February 2024 by Neil Littman

Answered by David Ross
Faraday pouches can wear out over time, so it is worth checking their efficacy on a regular basis to ensure they are performing as they should.
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