Isn't the internet wonderful!!!!! - concrete

A day or so ago I ordered some LED lighting online. Low and behold, today I logged into the HJ Forum and the section of advertising were not cars but LED lighting.

Spooky or what?

Cheers Concrete

Isn't the internet wonderful!!!!! - thunderbird

A day or so ago I ordered some LED lighting online. Low and behold, today I logged into the HJ Forum and the section of advertising were not cars but LED lighting.

Spooky or what?

Cheers Concrete

Think you need to change your browser settings.

Isn't the internet wonderful!!!!! - Avant

It's not really spooky - just a peculiarly stupid form of software that, when you've just bought something online, chooses to badger you with adverts for the same or similar products.

I first noticed it the last time I bought a printer. Endless adverts for printers directed at someone who, having just bought one, must be one of the least likely people in the country to be in the market for a printer.

Isn't the internet wonderful!!!!! - Bromptonaut

Yes I'm constantly badgered about Rohan outdoor clothing products.

I've lived in their stuff since the nineties. There's nothing in their product range I've not looked at and thought about buying.

And then put of the purchase until it's in the sale.

Isn't the internet wonderful!!!!! - groaver

What's kinky deviant fetishes?

Isn't the internet wonderful!!!!! - madf

A day or so ago I ordered some LED lighting online. Low and behold, today I logged into the HJ Forum and the section of advertising were not cars but LED lighting.

Spooky or what?

Cheers Concrete

Ever undestood what cookies do?

Big broither tracks you..

Isn't the internet wonderful!!!!! - FP

Call me paranoid if you wish - but every evening I clear all browsing data from Opera (browser) and run CCleaner and Windows Disk Cleanup.

In Opera, Privacy Protection is fully on and Ad-Block Plus, Ghostery and Tampermonkey are running. Also running are Avast anti-virus, CryptoPrevent and a VPN. HitmanPro scans at start-up.

From time to I scan the whole computer with Malwarebytes and SuperAntispyware.

OK - I am paranoid.

Isn't the internet wonderful!!!!! - Engineer Andy

I use Firefox along with Ghostery (blocks most [especially the nasty] tracking cookies use by the ad people) and uBlock Origin for the ads and especially the REALLY nasty pop-ups and unders, in conjunction with the (now) in-built software on the browser, plus my Internet Security package.

Seems to do the job and in a low memory use way. As yet, I haven't needed to use a VPN, though I wouldn't be surprised that it may be sooner than we think.

I use the same on my (ageing) tablet, still good (especially when used with Avast [free] to reduce memory usage), though not quite as effective.

I find that the occasional reinstallation of a browser or wiping of all cookies etc also helps, and on some older tablets, going for a factory re-set once a year and reinstalling all the apps (this should be automatic) really helps, especially on the performance side. Luckily, Firefox (if you have it set up for 'synchonise') can bring back all your bookmarked fave web pages and settings, though I always back them up (easy to do) just in case.

Isn't the internet wonderful!!!!! - alan1302

I use UBlock Origin and Kaspersky to block a lot of the stuff - one problem that can come up is that some websites parts don't work properly. Tesco had an issue where the site worked but no pictures came through until Ublock was turned off.

Isn't the internet wonderful!!!!! - Engineer Andy

I use UBlock Origin and Kaspersky to block a lot of the stuff - one problem that can come up is that some websites parts don't work properly. Tesco had an issue where the site worked but no pictures came through until Ublock was turned off.

Tesco's website is a pain. All the items' customer rating disappear. I used to use AdBlockPlus, but found it more resource-hungry (bad for the tablet) and didn't stop all pop-up and especially pop-unders.

My clubcard account still works fine, but I can't comment about grocery purchases as I only shop in store for them, though I used to occasionally (before they stopped the services) use the 'Argos-style' catalogue shop on their site OK.

Some websites, like P@rkers (booo!) and a few others flatly refuse to allow access unless you turn the adblockers off.

Far better than it was a couple of years ago though. I couldn't use my tablet to access this website because the ads overwhelmed the system, and the same for the Telegraph. Unfortunately now it's a bit trial and error as regards access and usage. Some sites seem to be OK going via Firefox with all the ad and cookie blockers on, others better via Chrome.

I used to use the freebie version of Malwarebytes but recently ditched it as it isn't, in my view, as good as it used to be, even if you get a trial of the full package. On more than one occasion did it miss stuff or falsely flag safe items that my Internet Security program did not.

Isn't the internet wonderful!!!!! - Joe-Alex

Is that why I'm being shown adverts for full body latex suits in men's XXL? o_O

Isn't the internet wonderful!!!!! - thunderbird

As part of a river stabilisation project we were involved in at work I had to carry out some research on "faggots" (live willow to stabilise the banks). My browser was the talk of the office for weeks.

Isn't the internet wonderful!!!!! - expat

It is possible to configure the hosts file with a list of advert sites. Lists containing thousands of advert sites are available to download online. When an advert attempts to load the hosts file prevents it. This makes your browser work faster as it is not downloading all the adverts that you do not want. It also blocks malicious advert sites. Combined with Adblock Plus it gets rid of most adverts.

Isn't the internet wonderful!!!!! - Joe-Alex

Is that to stop the banks from falling into the river? I think I've seen similar things with those steep hill banks you get near underpasses...

Isn't the internet wonderful!!!!! - Penumbra

Sandboxie is quite a useful security tool as well. For those who may not know, Sandboxie allows you to run a program eg your browser or email client independently from the rest of your system so no chance of viruses etc.

Isn't the internet wonderful!!!!! - concrete

Is that to stop the banks from falling into the river? I think I've seen similar things with those steep hill banks you get near underpasses...

Those are Gabions. A strong wire basket filled with stones. very heavy, strong and stable as a retaining wall for an embankment at a lower cost than RC structures. Can also look nice especially if planted out.

How do I change my browser settings as someone suggested? Will this stop the 'cookies' or whatever it is they use to annoy people?

Cheers Concrete

Isn't the internet wonderful!!!!! - MGspannerman

The modern day inventor of the gabion, another one of the things the Romans did for us, became a multi millionaire. He had a large estate and used a Segway to travel around it. He fell, tumbled down a bank into a river and sadly killed himself.

Isn't the internet wonderful!!!!! - berny6

spooky? ahaha at least you got what you wanted, I also think that internet become the place where you can get anything and everywhere, like I found a dream place to live, I decided to buy apartments in Germany here for investing and feeling good

Edited by berny6 on 13/11/2020 at 11:30