Avant - HJ Editor

As many of you are now aware, we recently received the tragic news of Avant's (David) sudden passing. Out heartfelt condolences go to his family at this devastating and heartbreaking time.

Avant was a long time moderator of the HonestJohn.co.uk Forum and as many of you have commented, a very kind and fair man. He was indeed a real gentleman and someone who gave up his own time to moderate this forum.

The news has come as a shock to us and to took time to verify it yesterday, but obviously we had to think of his family too at this difficult time.

David was a lovely, intelligent and kind man who will be sadly missed by all of us at HonestJohn.co.uk and I'm sure by everyone who came into contact with him, either in person or through this forum. Farewell Avant. You will be much missed.

We will be putting new moderators in place in the coming days but please bear with us at this sensitive time.

Avant - Metropolis.
Well said, and thank you for posting about this.