Alkaline Water - Paul_1

Is alkaline water all it's cracked up to be?

It seems to be the latest trend as far as water is concerned. First it was mineral water and then vitamin water. Now I keep hearing of people saying we should be drinking alkaline water as other water is too acidic.

I haven't tried it myself - but then again I don't buy mush bottles water anyway. I'm more of a coffee man.


Alkaline Water - alan1302

Just a nonsense thing - water is PH neutral anyway...stick to your coffee!

Alkaline Water - elekie&a/c doctor
Another myth. I use schweres wasser in my BMW .
Alkaline Water - Brit_in_Germany

Since its first point of call is the stomach which has a pH of between 1 and 2, acidic water should not cause any problems. Carbonated water is acidic with a pH of around 4.

Alkaline Water - bathtub tom

Water, isn't that the stuff that fish defecate in? People drink it?

Alkaline Water - Engineer Andy

Water, isn't that the stuff that fish defecate in? People drink it?

:-) You're not having ANY MORE fish tank water when you're round at MY house!

As regards alkaline water, I had visions of people putting AA batteries in a jug of water rather like ice for some new fad.

What next heavy water so people can gain wieght whilst getting rid of fat? Also get a nice warm green glow if the water comes pre-warmed with fuel rods...

Alkaline Water - Xileno

"What next heavy water....."

Don't underestimate the different types of water.

One of my favourite sketches...

Alkaline Water - Engineer Andy

"What next heavy water....."

Don't underestimate the different types of water.

One of my favourite sketches...

Can I have some fork handles with that please?

Alkaline Water - Paul_1

Engineer Andy... definitely not fish tank water or AA battery water. It is actually a real thing. Look at this here:

People really are drinking the stuff!!

'Elekie AC doctor' ...what is schweres wasser? Is that a German BMW thing??

Alkaline Water - galileo

Engineer Andy... definitely not fish tank water or AA battery water. It is actually a real thing. Look at this here:

People really are drinking the stuff!!

'Elekie AC doctor' ...what is schweres wasser? Is that a German BMW thing??

How Is Alkaline Water Made?

You can make alkaline water at home using regular tap water. All you need is a water ionizer machine and the process is super easy.

The machine uses an electrochemical process to separate regular tap water into two groups – alkaline water and acidic water. The alkaline water is then siphoned off and collected.

How Much Is an Alkaline Water Ionizer Machine?

Alkaline water ionizer machines are readily available online and in large department stores. Prices vary from $250 for a lightweight version to $500 for a top-of-the-range machine.

Looking at the extract above, having done degree-level chemistry and physics (in the days when A levels and degrees weren't handed out so freely) I have seldom seen such utter nonsense, clearly intended to persuade those with more money than sense to pay exorbitant sums for a fantasy version of water which exists only in the copywriter's imagination.

Alkaline Water - Engineer Andy

Engineer Andy... definitely not fish tank water or AA battery water. It is actually a real thing. Look at this here:

People really are drinking the stuff!!

'Elekie AC doctor' ...what is schweres wasser? Is that a German BMW thing??

How Is Alkaline Water Made?

You can make alkaline water at home using regular tap water. All you need is a water ionizer machine and the process is super easy.

The machine uses an electrochemical process to separate regular tap water into two groups – alkaline water and acidic water. The alkaline water is then siphoned off and collected.

How Much Is an Alkaline Water Ionizer Machine?

Alkaline water ionizer machines are readily available online and in large department stores. Prices vary from $250 for a lightweight version to $500 for a top-of-the-range machine.

Looking at the extract above, having done degree-level chemistry and physics (in the days when A levels and degrees weren't handed out so freely) I have seldom seen such utter nonsense, clearly intended to persuade those with more money than sense to pay exorbitant sums for a fantasy version of water which exists only in the copywriter's imagination.

Takes me back to that soft drink manufacturer who was caught flogging literal repackaged tap water some years ago.

I also recall a rich client of a former employer (£15M house in Hampstead in London) had some US-made fancy-pants 'water filter' which 'removed the chlorinated taste/smell' and added some other 'healthy minerals', though not softening the water - they used a electromagnetic scale prevention device (the expensive 'Hydromag' type, not the cheapie stuff many new builds get which do next to nothing).

No idea whether the filter actually did anything meaningful. The Hydromag device is good though (does a similar job as a water softner without actually softening the water, acting rather like an ionisation air purifier does, just for the water).

Alkaline Water - Andrew-T

<< You can make alkaline water at home using regular tap water. All you need is a water ionizer machine and the process is super easy. The machine uses an electrochemical process to separate regular tap water into two groups – alkaline water and acidic water. The alkaline water is then siphoned off and collected. >>

Well, it would do, wouldn't it ? You get H+ (acidic) at one electrode and OH- (alkaline) at the other. Just run off some of the water from near the correct electrode and job done. You can choose which you prefer to make your coffee with.

Alkaline Water - focussed

Is alkaline water all it's cracked up to be?

It seems to be the latest trend as far as water is concerned. First it was mineral water and then vitamin water. Now I keep hearing of people saying we should be drinking alkaline water as other water is too acidic.

I haven't tried it myself - but then again I don't buy mush bottles water anyway. I'm more of a coffee man.P.

It's probably not as daft as it sounds, I remember the results of some sort of medical survey that stated that people living in soft water areas ( PH below 7) were slightly more prone to heart disease than those living in hard water areas (PH above 7).

Chlorination of water supplies by law results in lowering the PH slightly (acidic) so alkaline water is probably better for you in the long run.

Alkaline Water - Engineer Andy

Is alkaline water all it's cracked up to be?

It seems to be the latest trend as far as water is concerned. First it was mineral water and then vitamin water. Now I keep hearing of people saying we should be drinking alkaline water as other water is too acidic.

I haven't tried it myself - but then again I don't buy mush bottles water anyway. I'm more of a coffee man.P.

It's probably not as daft as it sounds, I remember the results of some sort of medical survey that stated that people living in soft water areas ( PH below 7) were slightly more prone to heart disease than those living in hard water areas (PH above 7).

Chlorination of water supplies by law results in lowering the PH slightly (acidic) so alkaline water is probably better for you in the long run.

...or you could just drink (far cheaper) tap water from a hard water area...

Alkaline Water - galileo

It's probably not as daft as it sounds, I remember the results of some sort of medical survey that stated that people living in soft water areas ( PH below 7) were slightly more prone to heart disease than those living in hard water areas (PH above 7).

Chlorination of water supplies by law results in lowering the PH slightly (acidic) so alkaline water is probably better for you in the long run.

In many areas of 'soft' water, the water companies add minerals to make it less liable toleach lead out of the plumbing in older houses.

When they started doing this some housewives complained that this made it harder for soap to make a lather, though not noticeable with detergents.

'Hard' water affects the taste of tea and if really full of calcium salts leaves a scum, as well as furring kettles/immersion heater elements.

Alkaline Water - Bolt

'Hard' water affects the taste of tea and if really full of calcium salts leaves a scum, as well as furring kettles/immersion heater elements.

True, as I have to descale 2 coffee machines and a Kettle every month- sometimes 3 weeks- depending on use, and even after using a water filter, which does slow it down but filters are expensive -though coffee tastes better for it....

but thats the south of England for you!

Alkaline Water - Engineer Andy

'Hard' water affects the taste of tea and if really full of calcium salts leaves a scum, as well as furring kettles/immersion heater elements.

True, as I have to descale 2 coffee machines and a Kettle every month- sometimes 3 weeks- depending on use, and even after using a water filter, which does slow it down but filters are expensive -though coffee tastes better for it....

but thats the south of England for you!

Indeed - I live in a hard water area, and tap water tastes very good in comparison to the bitter (to me, anyway) water when I'm on holiday in Cornwall, the same with tea, but the 'scum' on the top of mugs of tea and the limescaling issue with kettles, shower heads and hot water heat exchangers is a pain the backside. I have to descale my kettle once every 2-4 weeks, depending on usage.

On holiday, washing up, clothes and myself requires much less detergent/soap and the holiday place I've been to many times still uses the same kettles from when I first went there around 20 years ago! No limescale!

Alkaline Water - galileo

'Hard' water affects the taste of tea and if really full of calcium salts leaves a scum, as well as furring kettles/immersion heater elements.

True, as I have to descale 2 coffee machines and a Kettle every month- sometimes 3 weeks- depending on use, and even after using a water filter, which does slow it down but filters are expensive -though coffee tastes better for it....

but thats the south of England for you!

A relative living in Suffolk has a water softening system in her supply, possibly zeolite (ion exchange) based, which needs refreshing with salt periodically

Alkaline Water - bushcymbal

Alkaline Kangen Water, also known as ionized water, has a pH level greater than 7. It's less acidic than regular tap water and contains alkalizing compounds like calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Some say that alkaline water may have health benefits, including:

  • Anti-aging and disease prevention
  • Cleansing the colon
  • Rejuvenating the skin
  • Lubricating muscles and joints
  • Slowing bone loss
Alkaline Water - ExA35Owner

Some say that alkaline water may have health benefits, including:.....

When we can see some peer reviewed, randomised double-blinded research on this, we can see what benefits there are. "Some say" has about as much credibility as asking the nearest goldfish.

Alkaline Water - galileo

Alkaline Kangen Water, also known as ionized water, has a pH level greater than 7. It's less acidic than regular tap water and contains alkalizing compounds like calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Some say that alkaline water may have health benefits, including:

  • Anti-aging and disease prevention
  • Cleansing the colon
  • Rejuvenating the skin
  • Lubricating muscles and joints
  • Slowing bone loss

Some people will believe anything.

This is the basis of the advertising industry, convincing people they need something which will fill the advertiser's pockets.

The scientific ignorance of a large proportion of the population is why advertising unproved quack products is still successful. :-)

P T Barnum's methods seem to have outlived him.

Edited by galileo on 28/08/2023 at 17:13

Alkaline Water - Andrew-T

<< This is the basis of the advertising industry, convincing people they need something which will fill the advertiser's pockets. >>

Why not fill them with Alkaline Water ? :-)

Some may remember the provider of bottled water several years back who filled them from taps in Sidcup, IIRC ?

Alkaline Water - _

<< This is the basis of the advertising industry, convincing people they need something which will fill the advertiser's pockets. >>

Why not fill them with Alkaline Water ? :-)

Some may remember the provider of bottled water several years back who filled them from taps in Sidcup, IIRC ?

And in France it was another international who had water from a tap and then infused with Benzene.

Alkaline Water - FP

"Alkaline Kangen Water, also known as ionized water, has a pH level greater than 7. It's less acidic than regular tap water and contains alkalizing compounds like calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Some say that alkaline water may have health benefits, including:

Anti-aging and disease prevention

Cleansing the colon

Rejuvenating the skin

Lubricating muscles and joints

Slowing bone loss"


You didn't mention:

Mind Clarity

Boost of Energy, without crashing (unlike energy drinks)

Better and Deeper Sleep

Improved Hydration (since your body absorbs kangen water much better)

Skin Glow

Thicker Hair (for those who had issues)

It is basically ionised water sold at inflated prices. Described as a scam all over the internet - no properly researched evidence it is of any benefit.

Edited by FP on 28/08/2023 at 18:52