Dvla request information - JCBBFC27

Not sure if this is the right section. The DVLA took a while to update my address on my log book and my over thinking mind is what if a parking ticket or speeding ticket has gone to the old address. I wondered how I'd gain information on what organisations have contacted the DVLA to get my information regarding these sort of things as I wouldn't know because my address took ages . Not sure if this was a thing or not but would be comforting to know.

Dvla request information - Palcouk

The DVLA has been badly impacted by covid, with staff absences and working from home, with the result that there are serious delays, the DVLA is not going to give that info out to you, even if they have it

Dvla request information - Middleman

If the police had sought your details because you were detected speeding by a camera the DVLA would not know about it anyway. The police work on a downloaded copy of the DVLA database to which the DVLA normally have no access. If you are convicted of an offence in your absence as a result of not knowing about the proceedings, you have a remedy by way of making a "Statutory Declaration" to have the conviction set aside.

Dvla request information - ExA35Owner

You did arrange for mail forwarding via Royal Mail, didn't you? So even if DVLA are about as quick on their feet as an arthritic slug, you'd still get the mail.

Dvla request information - Tester

For future reference (may be useful to others but a bit late for the OP, I'm afraid), this sort of change to a V5C can be done online. My recent experience with selling a car was good; I notified DVLA of the change of owner online and the new owner had the V5C within 4 days IIRC.

As others have noted, DVLA seems to be having a lot more trouble coping with Covid than many other organizations so the advice is always, 'If you don't have to post something to them, then don't!'