Ford S-MAX - Speed of car that hit mine - GT

My car was stationary when it was hit by another. I'm keen to get a professional opinion on its speed, taking into account the extent of the damage caused to my car. How can I get this?

Ford S-MAX - Speed of car that hit mine - daveyjp

Employ an accident investigator. Not cheap.

Ford S-MAX - Speed of car that hit mine - Andrew-T

Unless you can get hold of some useful CCTV or dashcam footage .

Edited by Andrew-T on 11/07/2022 at 10:27

Ford S-MAX - Speed of car that hit mine - galileo

Unless you can get hold of some useful CCTV or dashcam footage .

Thtacham Research might look at photos and give a ball-park figure, you could contact them and ask a) would they help and b) how much would they charge.

Your insurer may well inspect the car for their own reasons, how does knowing the speed help your claim?

Ford S-MAX - Speed of car that hit mine - GT

The other driver claims he was moving at a snail's pace.

Ford S-MAX - Speed of car that hit mine - galileo

The other driver claims he was moving at a snail's pace.

That is irrelevant, he still hit you, so he is at fault and his insurer should pay up in full if you claim off them (report it to yours, of course).

In any case, I seem to recall that for many years 'bumpers' have been supposed to remain undamaged after a 5 mph impact.

Edited by galileo on 11/07/2022 at 15:29

Ford S-MAX - Speed of car that hit mine - RT

The other driver claims he was moving at a snail's pace.

That is irrelevant, he still hit you, so he is at fault and his insurer should pay up in full if you claim off them (report it to yours, of course).

In any case, I seem to recall that for many years 'bumpers' have been supposed to remain undamaged after a 5 mph impact.

That 5 mph test is in respect of the structure behind the visible bumper, the paintwork would be damaged at any speed.