New Year - Resolution - John F

Until asked to desist by an overworked moderator, I have decided to report any posts containing ad hominem derogatory comments as offensive.

New Year - Resolution - Oli rag

Good idea John, I don’t see why any differences in opinion have to turn into someone being called i****ic or stupid, which happens too often on here.

Edited by Oli rag on 01/01/2023 at 15:10

New Year - Resolution - FP

I don't make New Year resolutions, but I have to say I have pretty much decided not to respond to posts where someone has made a generally stupid or bizarrely odd political comment, because all too often the person responded to cannot deal with the application of common-sense or logic to their views and feels in some way insulted if a serious debate is started.

The current "EV - Charger chaos" thread is a case in point. There have been many others.

New Year - Resolution - bathtub tom

I made a new year's resolution not to make a new year's resolution. I've broken it already!

New Year - Resolution - Brit_in_Germany

Maybe a good NYR would be to try and post in the appropriate sub-forum.

New Year - Resolution - Xileno

"Until asked to desist by an overworked moderator, I have decided to report any posts containing ad hominem derogatory comments as offensive."

That's what the button is for and I have acted upon your complaint.

"Good idea John, I don’t see why any differences in opinion have to turn into someone being called i****ic or stupid, which happens too often on here."

If someone refers to another poster as stupid or i****ic then that would get deleted. I am not aware of any thread where someone's been referred to like that and it's not been removed. If I happen to miss something then report it. That's what the button is for and I can't be looking in all the time

"I don't make New Year resolutions, but I have to say I have pretty much decided not to respond to posts where someone has made a generally stupid or bizarrely odd political comment, because all too often the person responded to cannot deal with the application of common-sense or logic to their views and feels in some way insulted if a serious debate is started.

The current "EV - Charger chaos" thread is a case in point. There have been many others."

I don't think there's anything I can do about that.

"I made a new year's resolution not to make a new year's resolution. I've broken it already!"

Me as well...

I think this is probably best locked now and moved to General.

Edited by Xileno on 01/01/2023 at 17:51