Skoda Karoq - Skoda Karoq Pan Roof bird issue - DieselMan1966

Evening all, my wife's Karoq had just had the sunroof seals replaced following some crows decided to peck at the seals.

Is there anything we can do to prevent this occurring in the future? I was thinking of covering the glass area in some form of non-reflective vinyl similar to the privacy glass

Skoda Karoq - Skoda Karoq Pan Roof bird issue - Adampr

I reckon you could attach some kind of self-adhesive metal trim to the glass so that it covers the seals.

Skoda Karoq - Skoda Karoq Pan Roof bird issue - mickyh7

Or you could just shoot the Crows with an Air Rifle!

Skoda Karoq - Skoda Karoq Pan Roof bird issue - DieselMan1966

Or you could just shoot the Crows with an Air Rifle!

Tried that, as the crows are opposite a school, manage to get a couple of kids with the shot gun!

Edited by DieselMan1966 on 30/05/2023 at 08:53

Skoda Karoq - Skoda Karoq Pan Roof bird issue - Steveieb

Even bigger problems with the Kea birds attacking roof seals in Australia.

A Kea bird attacking a Kia car ?

Skoda Karoq - Skoda Karoq Pan Roof bird issue - Adampr

Even bigger problems with the Kea birds attacking roof seals in Australia.

A Kea bird attacking a Kia car ?

*That guy warning*

Keas live in New Zealand.

There are plenty of unpleasant birds (and possums) in Australia that will probably tear cars to bits too

Skoda Karoq - Skoda Karoq Pan Roof bird issue - _

I was chased by a very angry big aussie bird once, but it couldn't catch me.

Skoda Karoq - Skoda Karoq Pan Roof bird issue - sammy1

I was chased by a very angry big aussie bird once, but it couldn't catch me.

Sounds a bit like Albert Steptoe ""arold you've got a bird up there" Oh gawd give it a rest.

I haven't heard of any pheasants attacking the postman this year but I expect it is happening somewhere. Buzzards also territorial and nesting gulls

Skoda Karoq - Skoda Karoq Pan Roof bird issue - DieselMan1966

its happened again! We going to put a claim in with the school as another car has been attacked. I've suggested getting someone in with a pet hawk/kestrel to play with the crows or a gas powered bird scarerer

So 'm thinking of a vinyl wrap for the glass to stop the reflection, something with a snake printed on it!

Skoda Karoq - Skoda Karoq Pan Roof bird issue - focussed

The crow family has a keen sense of smell so go for anything they won't like such as peppermint, garlic or garlic oil, vinegar, chile pepper, citrus oil- citronella, mothballs etc,

Garlic crushed and marinated in a bottle with a drop of vinegar for a week keeps magpies away - they are crow family, we had a problem with them parading up and down our gutters cr@pping and making a noise once for some reason, that got rid of them.

Skoda Karoq - Skoda Karoq Pan Roof bird issue - Bromptonaut

I haven't heard of any pheasants attacking the postman this year but I expect it is happening somewhere. Buzzards also territorial and nesting gulls

A place I worked in Central London had gulls claiming possession of the office roof. The accommodation manager got a contractor in to see them off. Attempt #1 was a failure and gull man beat a retreat covered from head to foot in gull excrement....