Vauxhall Astra - oil stains - Arduous Astra

What is the best way of removing motor oil from a drive way? My driveway is brindle block paving. About 2 years accumulated staining.

The internet is confused on the queston. The ' coke myth ' is still out there.

Thanks for any help

Vauxhall Astra - oil stains - corax

I've used Gunk Driveway cleaner. It did the job. If the stains have been there for a while, you will probably have to treat it a few times. You might get some marks left but they fade with time and weather.

Vauxhall Astra - oil stains - Chris M

When my 90yo neighbour gave up driving last year (relief all round!) I cleaned the oil stain off his block drive with a strong solution of biological washing powder and a stiff broom. Left to soak in for a while and rinsed off with a pressure washer. Worked very well although over the coming weeks some of the staining reappeared which I put down to the old oil/detergent solution coming back up to the surface. Mother nature has taken care of it over the winter and there's no sign of staining now.

Vauxhall Astra - oil stains - bathtub tom

I use neat washing up liquid on new stains. I don't wash it off, but leave it to soak and let the next shower rinse it. That works for me. I don't know how effective it would be on old stains, but it's cheap enough to try.

Vauxhall Astra - oil stains - Greendean

In the past i have absorbed excess oil by using baking soda. I let it sit overnight. Maybe you could use something like cat litter or sawdust if you don't have that.

Vauxhall Astra - oil stains - sammy1

Would it perhaps be easier to turn the blocks over and re-dress with a bit of sand?

Vauxhall Astra - oil stains - skidpan

Oil stain on concrete (from knackered Bluebird) was easily removed with engine cleaner.

Cannot see why it would not work on concrete paving blocks (or clay for that matter).

Vauxhall Astra - oil stains - Andrew-T

Would it perhaps be easier to turn the blocks over and re-dress with a bit of sand?

If they are standard paving blocks, the underside is different from the top, so the result would look untidy.

Vauxhall Astra - oil stains - bathtub tom

Would it perhaps be easier to turn the blocks over and re-dress with a bit of sand?

If they are standard paving blocks, the underside is different from the top, so the result would look untidy.

I made that mistake when I spilt some paint, the turned blocks were always wet for much longer after rain.

Vauxhall Astra - oil stains - Greendean

I was just thinking did you not have some kind of warranty like some Vauxhalls have, where they would replace them for you?

Vauxhall Astra - oil stains - alan1302

I was just thinking did you not have some kind of warranty like some Vauxhalls have, where they would replace them for you?

Don't think any car will have a warranty to replace oil stained paving slabs :-) Think you might have been replying to another post.