Any - EV’s Daily Mail - mcb100
Waiting for a post on today’s Daily Mail front page in 3…2…1…
Any - EV’s Daily Mail - sammy1
Waiting for a post on today’s Daily Mail front page in 3…2…1…

It take guts to admit to reading the DM on here! As regards the headline and no more the end of ICE cars is too premature and restricts freedom of choice and to what real end. One of the papers yesterday was saying that 20 mph was spreading to England like the plague so won't be worth owning a car at all. This seems to be the overall underlying strategy unless you fly private jets.

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - FP

"...20 mph was spreading to England like the plague so won't be worth owning a car at all."

With respect, that is ridiculous. We've discussed it before. The 20 mph limit applies to a small percentage of the total UK road network, and where average speeds often never reach even 30 mph. The 20 mph zones I drive through every week merely confirm the speed I would have taken anyway.

Of course, it's up to individuals to decide whether to own a car or not, but I fail to see how 20 mph speed limits come into the equation.

Edited by FP on 03/07/2023 at 10:25

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - mcb100
‘It take guts to admit to reading the DM on here!’

I wouldn’t touch it a barge pole. It popped up in a post on Linkedin this morning.
Any - EV’s Daily Mail - madf

I thought the DM only did pictures?

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - Ian_SW

I thought the DM only did pictures?

(Said in my best Alan Partridge voice) "It's the best newspaper in the world".

Seriously though, what was the front page about? There doesn't seem to be anything about electric cars anywhere near the top of their website - that seems more concerned with Nigel Farage's Bank account and some bloke who got stuck under a pipe for 5 days whilst trying to take a shortcut to Barkingside Tube station.

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - mcb100!AuMkRafLnOYXg5c9T7i_zYKaRjrHfg
Any - EV’s Daily Mail - Adampr!AuMkRafLnOYXg5c9T7i_zYKaRjrHfg

I can't see the words 'woke' or 'cancer' in that headline. They must have a new editor.

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - mcb100
But EV’s are only bought by woke virtue signallers.
Any - EV’s Daily Mail - sammy1!AuMkRafLnOYXg5c9T7i_zYKaRjrHfg

No need to swear!!!! I am not opening this!

Edited by sammy1 on 03/07/2023 at 12:32

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - Engineer Andy

I thought the DM only did pictures?

That was The Sun.

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - JonestHon

Totally agree, it's a comic for adults.

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - Chris M

"It take guts to admit to reading the DM on here!"

Far too left wing for some!

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - sammy1

"It take guts to admit to reading the DM on here!"

Far too left wing for some!

When you read the current post "Next Election" quite a few on here vote conservative so what else might they read. If you are middle of the road then the Mail on Line offers a fair variety of interest. Littlejohn is a star poking fun at everyone and Peter Hitchens has sound views on may matters. You have to read a wide variety to get any real angle on the UK and the world and then make your mind up and if you have too much time on your hands post on here!!!

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - Adampr

"It take guts to admit to reading the DM on here!"

Far too left wing for some!

When you read the current post "Next Election" quite a few on here vote conservative so what else might they read. If you are middle of the road then the Mail on Line offers a fair variety of interest. Littlejohn is a star poking fun at everyone and Peter Hitchens has sound views on may matters. You have to read a wide variety to get any real angle on the UK and the world and then make your mind up and if you have too much time on your hands post on here!!!

Crikey. If the Mail is 'middle of the road' people anywhere to the right of centre must have to read Mein Kampf.

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - Engineer Andy

"It take guts to admit to reading the DM on here!"

Far too left wing for some!

When you read the current post "Next Election" quite a few on here vote conservative so what else might they read. If you are middle of the road then the Mail on Line offers a fair variety of interest. Littlejohn is a star poking fun at everyone and Peter Hitchens has sound views on may matters. You have to read a wide variety to get any real angle on the UK and the world and then make your mind up and if you have too much time on your hands post on here!!!

Crikey. If the Mail is 'middle of the road' people anywhere to the right of centre must have to read Mein Kampf.

Read your history first - that second-rate Austrian painter was a National Socialist.

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - FP

"Read your history first - that second-rate Austrian painter was a National Socialist."


"National Socialist" in this context equals Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, which was the official title of Hitler's Nazi Party. Despite its German title referring to "workers", the working class, definitions of "socialism" and the political left had no connection with the far-right totalitarian ideology as practised by Hitler and co.

But I suspect you know that.

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - mcb100
Disingenuous at best.
Yes, they used the word ‘Socialist’ in the name of the party, but no socialist principles were espoused by the Nazi Party.
In reality, about as far removed as possible.
But you know that, don’t you?
Any - EV’s Daily Mail - galileo
Disingenuous at best. Yes, they used the word ‘Socialist’ in the name of the party, but no socialist principles were espoused by the Nazi Party. In reality, about as far removed as possible. But you know that, don’t you?

To be fair, they did provide subsidised holidays for workers in purpose-built facilities on the Black Sea coast. Which was a 'socialist' type of benefit. :-)

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - Adampr

"It take guts to admit to reading the DM on here!"

Far too left wing for some!

When you read the current post "Next Election" quite a few on here vote conservative so what else might they read. If you are middle of the road then the Mail on Line offers a fair variety of interest. Littlejohn is a star poking fun at everyone and Peter Hitchens has sound views on may matters. You have to read a wide variety to get any real angle on the UK and the world and then make your mind up and if you have too much time on your hands post on here!!!

Crikey. If the Mail is 'middle of the road' people anywhere to the right of centre must have to read Mein Kampf.

Read your history first - that second-rate Austrian painter was a National Socialist.

I wasn't really looking for a debate on the definition of Nazis, just making a flippant comment that the Daily Mail is the most right wing of the popular national newspapers. I don't think it's editorial team or readership would be upset at that characterisation.

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - sammy1

On page 7 of the DM is an article by Brian Clegg a science writer. I think it gives a non biased and realistic view of the general situation regarding EVs

PS I forgot to mention that Fred Basset a cartoon strip in the DM is a must for all dog lovers! Fred has no political views just a connoisseur on his favourite sausages and Doggybix!

Edited by sammy1 on 03/07/2023 at 14:52

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - FP

In case you have missed it, Sammy, today there is another DM article sceptical of EVs - this time by the esteemed politician Nadine Dorries:

What's not to like? A right-wing politician in a right-wing tabloid newspaper.

Edited by FP on 04/07/2023 at 09:43

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - sammy1

In case you have missed it, Sammy, today there is another DM article sceptical of EVs - this time by the esteemed politician Nadine Dorries:

What's not to like? A right-wing politician in a right-wing tabloid newspaper.

Just read the article on MSN. The Lady was so fed up with her Zoe that she gave it back. Unless she made the story up then everything in the article has a ring of truth. From a lot of EVs being totally unsuitable for a long journey to the experience of finding a working charger and the wait. What I would find really galling is that in foul weather and we do get a fair bit of that hardly any of these chargers are under any cover save for the few newly built EV service stations. I know a bit of bad weather never hurt anyone but it is just another of those annoying facts that I would not entertain. At home I have already picked out a site for a charger and it is undercover! What some chose to ignore on here is that posters sceptical of EVs are repeated many millions of times elsewhere in the country.

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - mcb100
‘ What some chose to ignore on here is that posters sceptical of EVs are repeated many millions of times elsewhere in the country.’

Inevitably by people like yourself who haven’t driven one, used a public charger or made a journey in a car you deem unsuitable for long journeys.
Any - EV’s Daily Mail - sammy1
‘ What some chose to ignore on here is that posters sceptical of EVs are repeated many millions of times elsewhere in the country.’ Inevitably by people like yourself who haven’t driven one, used a public charger or made a journey in a car you deem unsuitable for long journeys.

Yes all very true I have a good car already which is more practical than an EV. BUT why does the gov and motoring bodies feel that they have to push the tech so hard and so fast. Every where you look it is green this and green that. There are many shades of green. June the month of, we are told had the highest average daily temperature ever recorded with I suspect the motive of frightening some in the population that soon spontaneous combustion would beset us all It is summer in the Northern hemisphere would you believe. Judging by the temp today in Wales we are heading back to the ice age!.... In 1911 one on the highest temps ever recorded was made in the UK and 1976 was a summer! With energy bills so high who would not want to live in a warmer climate? Sweden apparently is ditching solar and wind as being too unreliable and reverting to a more guaranteed energy supply Nuclear. I hope the UK is not putting all its eggs into renewables. Canny people the Swedes indeed my grandfather was Swedish and they called covid correctly in most eyes. They are way ahead of us green wise in any case.

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - Terry W

A Renault Zoe has a normal range of ~195 miles. As we all should know, and EV drivers should absolutely know, range in low temperatures combined with heater and ancillaries use would reduce this to ~150 miles.

I don't know where Nadine lives, but her constituency office to Lytham St Annes is 207 miles. She apparently also has a home in the Cotswolds - perhaps 175 miles.

The probability of needing a charge enroute is close to 100%, and a return journey on one charge guaranteed impossible.

Perhaps she was applying the same level of judgement to her driving as she applied to her political manoeuvrings - not very much!!

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - Ethan Edwards

It's funny that a drive in an EV makes the press due to the failure of the driver to plan ahead.

I had a drive in my EV last week. 180 Mile's and mine has a 50kwh battery, smaller than Nadines Zoe. No fuss no drama and with great success.

So should that be in the press too?

There's really no need to spend a fortune on one with a humongous range. It's a nice to have, not a necessity. What is a necessity is the six Ps . Proper Planning Prevents P#££ Poor Performance. Fail to plan, plan to fail. That and driving sensibly. If Nadine failed to do any of that no wonder.

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - sammy1

"""here's really no need to spend a fortune on one with a humongous range. It's a nice to have, not a necessity. What is a necessity is the six Ps . Proper Planning Prevents P#££ Poor Performance. Fail to plan, plan to fail. That and driving sensibly. If Nadine failed to do any of that no wonder. """

I don't know how much of a car expert Nadine is but how many people have gone into a car dealers and been sold a pup... I lot of people are complete oblivious to EVs and not many professional car sales people are going to spend the time educating them. In much the same way when the gov sent jump into diesel many did just that and the problems it caused the low mileage users. Nadine has bought herself a car more suitable to her needs.

I have no need to plan a journey other than fill up map and go

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - Terry W

The article says that ND was continually beset with range anxiety - yet she had no idea how far she was driving nor what the realistic range was. Bizarre!!

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - FP

I find it hard to believe Dorries's only car, or even her main car, was a Renault Zoe.

She mentions her Discovery Sport towards the end of the article - now that's more like it!

There's no way to prove it from the article, but, assuming it's factually correct, my take on it is that she decided to do the trip in the Zoe in what she must have realised was bad weather just to see what would happen, or perhaps even knowing what would happen. Her persona as an innocent abroad ("Available fast chargers, I had come to realise, more or less vanished north of the Watford Gap") doesn't ring true.

One way of thinking of it is that the story was created to fit an agenda. Perhaps.

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - Brit_in_Germany

Read your history first - that second-rate Austrian painter was a National Socialist.

Who promptly made the SPD (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands) illegal.

Strange how this trope is often used by a certain sector of society.

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - mcb100
It’s definitely an anti-EV week for the DM.
Yesterday was a feature in Mail Money entitled ‘Electric car drivers are forced to clog their phones with more than 30 apps to navigate the charging network’.
Catchy, eh?
It’s all complete nonsense, obviously.
Any - EV’s Daily Mail - Engineer Andy
It’s definitely an anti-EV week for the DM. Yesterday was a feature in Mail Money entitled ‘Electric car drivers are forced to clog their phones with more than 30 apps to navigate the charging network’. Catchy, eh? It’s all complete nonsense, obviously.

Probably a clickbait headline. I suspect there probably are 30 phone apps (but across Android and iOS) for charging / mapping of charging stations using the various types / makes of charger for each provider.

Like with the screenscraper websites covering insurance etc, I'm sure some cover more providers than others, but none cover all, which is why you often need to use a few cover the vast majority of insurers.

Still, I've read and seen enough newspaper / car mag and TV / YouTube reports (including here) about the inadequacies of the process to know that EV charging (whether the apps and/or charger network itself) stil has a LONG way to go to catch up the ease-of-use of the standardised, reliable ICE vehicle filling station system.

I still have serious doubts whether the former will be robust / adequate enough to cope with the 'changeover' to EVs come 2030 / 2035, and it appears the UK isn't anywhere near alone on this either. Not really a surprise though, I have to say, given the nature of the policies in that regard, how and who is overseeing / implementing it.

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - mcb100
The irony of my reply to you about the inadequacies of the charging system is that I am currently eating a sandwich whilst plugged in at Blyth Services on the A1.
I can see 12 Tesla Superchargers (all empty) and I’m charging from one of 9 Gridserve rapid chargers, that I activated by holding my debit card to, of which 2 are in use.
Any - EV’s Daily Mail - Ethan Edwards

Facts schmacts you can prove anything that's even remotely true with Facts.

Stop upsetting the EV haters with real world Facts.

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - Adampr

Facts schmacts you can prove anything that's even remotely true with Facts.

Stop upsetting the EV haters with real world Facts.

Look here, you. Nadine Dorries says they're rubbish and Land Rovers are amazing, and she's known as a person of the very highest integrity.

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - sammy1

Not a DM article but something from Sky news EV Leasing company in trouble, I wonder why, could it be the price of the cars or lack of business?

Legal & General pulls plug on electric vehicle leasing group Onto (

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - alan1302

Not a DM article but something from Sky news EV Leasing company in trouble, I wonder why, could it be the price of the cars or lack of business?

Legal & General pulls plug on electric vehicle leasing group Onto (

Or could be the subscription model they work with rather than the usual leasing which has caused issues...or they could be badly run.

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - Terry W

Some things strike me:

  • as a subscription model they have less assurance than a traditional leasing company over their income. Subscription is monthly, lease typically 2-4 years.
  • their sales, marketing and admin costs would be higher than a conventional leasing company simply because every vehicle may need several users rather than one.
  • the value of s/h EVs has fallen and looks likely to continue. They may now be sitting on expensive cars with falling resale values and (possibly) a reducing income.

Why any sane investor would loan money or buy equity in such a potentially risky venture is beyond me.

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - Ethan Edwards

Giving this whole issue some thought today while I was out on the my " Incarnate" vehicle.

Why the hatred? Especially from fancy German car drivers. So noticeable that they'll happily break traffic rules just to get that one car ahead of an EV.

Figured it out.

It's because once upon a time we had let's say 35 to 40 grand and bought a car. Just like they did.

But they made their choice and think everyone should do the same validating their opinions/ choices.

We chose differently, we bought something else and they think it's us commenting , disparaging their values beliefs. It isn't.

Course I may wrong and the obvious "at all costs must get in front of you" moves, might be just be a male appendage measuring and waving manoeuvre.

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - alan1302

Giving this whole issue some thought today while I was out on the my " Incarnate" vehicle.

Why the hatred? Especially from fancy German car drivers. So noticeable that they'll happily break traffic rules just to get that one car ahead of an EV.

Not sure it's just EV's the have an issue with - they do it to any car!

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - galileo

Giving this whole issue some thought today while I was out on the my " Incarnate" vehicle.

Why the hatred? Especially from fancy German car drivers. So noticeable that they'll happily break traffic rules just to get that one car ahead of an EV.

Not sure it's just EV's the have an issue with - they do it to any car!

Not just drivers of fancy German cars (though many seem to think they are entitled to priority because they paid so much) I find that young female drivers (possibly unwittingly) play 'chicken' when approaching pinch points caused by parked cars. (White van men often do the same but reasonably assume their size and company insurance make it a good bet.)

Young ladies in small cars either think (or hope) I will give way or are just unaware of the situation.

I drive defensively so survived 3 recent instances.

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - Andrew-T

Course I may wrong and the obvious "at all costs must get in front of you" moves, might be just be a male appendage measuring and waving manoeuvre.

Ethan - you mustn't take it personally. Any car in front of theirs is an impertinent obstacle, that's all.

Any - EV’s Daily Mail - Ethan Edwards

I must be getting old, I just found it very obvious and rather tiresome. Repeatedly over four hours on Kia' or Ford's. Only German....must be a ownership requirement.