Illegal E bikes - sammy1

Cardiff has had a recent purge on e-bikes using its pedestrian shopping centre, These are e-bikes with throttles capable of exceeding the speed limit imposed by law. They confiscated 17 bikes many with faulty brakes worth some £22k. This was part of an operation whereby 1300 users were spoken to 70% were riding illegally. If this is just one small city the countrywide problem must be considerable and no news yet on a policy by Gov on e-bikes and scooters. Surprisingly they have had no further problems!! Nothing said about fines issued reserved only for motorists I guess

Illegal E bikes - Adampr

Cardiff has had a recent purge on e-bikes using its pedestrian shopping centre, These are e-bikes with throttles capable of exceeding the speed limit imposed by law. They confiscated 17 bikes many with faulty brakes worth some £22k. This was part of an operation whereby 1300 users were spoken to 70% were riding illegally. If this is just one small city the countrywide problem must be considerable and no news yet on a policy by Gov on e-bikes and scooters. Surprisingly they have had no further problems!! Nothing said about fines issued reserved only for motorists I guess

What Government policy are you hoping for?

Illegal E bikes - Chris M

Perhaps a government policy which makes only official rental schemes legal and relies on existing law to deal with those that aren't?

Illegal E bikes - sammy1

Cardiff has had a recent purge on e-bikes using its pedestrian shopping centre, These are e-bikes with throttles capable of exceeding the speed limit imposed by law. They confiscated 17 bikes many with faulty brakes worth some £22k. This was part of an operation whereby 1300 users were spoken to 70% were riding illegally. If this is just one small city the countrywide problem must be considerable and no news yet on a policy by Gov on e-bikes and scooters. Surprisingly they have had no further problems!! Nothing said about fines issued reserved only for motorists I guess

What Government policy are you hoping for?

It is not my call to make. I think the laws on the are there. The law on e-scooters is the one to be determined. At the moment they are illegal except on authorised trials. If people want to scoot why can't they get a bit of exercise and do just that. E-scooters are unstable at the speeds being driven and privately owned one are being modified to go even faster. They are being ridden by some irresponsible people mainly young men but even children. Accident rates involving scooters are unacceptable in some instances with innocent pedestrians being involved.

As regards e bikes as previously stated throttle controlled one capable of over 15mph are classed as motorbikes. They need a licence and insurance, but you see them all too often being ridden irresponsibly. Young people it seems would not be seen dead on grandpa's e bike with peddles far to slow.. Wales soon to go 20mph in residential areas and yet there is a proliferation of illegal e-bikes perfectly capable of overtaking cars. No helmets or protective gear that is expected on a motor bike The users ride where they like in and out of traffic and up and down pavements, this is the reality no respect for other traffic and pedestrians. The reason given for the 20mph is to reduce accidents on our roads but these bikes are totally at odds with this reasoning and accidents and the odd fatality are happening daily. As is becoming the norm these days it seems to be a free for all by some members of society. A comparison might be the latest reports of shoplifting, Stealing things which don't belong to you on a scale that seems again out of control not just the odd Mars bar by a kid but serious loses to business ultimately paid by you and I. As regards the 17 bikes confiscated it should have been 700. When one of these illegal bikes are involved in an accident with you or I guess whose fault it will be. The police no longer want to police minor crime

Illegal E bikes - Terry W

1300 users spoken to. 70% (910) riding illegally. 17 bikes confiscated. Therefore the police apparently did nothing for 893 cyclists - an "action rate" of about 2%.

I assume those confiscated mainly belonged to the nutter cyclist brigade with 1000 watt motors capable of 40mph +.

The government need do nothing - the laws already exist to enable the police to take action.

It is for the police and local community to decide how much priority to give this type of crime - it seems to sit with minor shoplifting but well below dealing with disorder on Saturday nights.

Illegal E bikes - _

We now have E-bikes (Tier) in Colchester and the usual problems. Parked ACROSS pavements, ridden on pavements, just like the e-scooters. Complaints are met with a wall of silence and even when going through one of our "better" councillors, he still gets the usual corporate guff that usuers must take a photo of the thing when finished using it.

We now have hackers who use the things for free and dump them willy nilly.

Illegal E bikes - Palcouk

Whilst the Gov keeps burying it head in the sand with regard the new mode of transport, ie E-bikes/scooters

Nothing will happen.

Its also the case that many mobility 'scooters' exceed the spped limits as ledgistated, but nothing happens with that

Illegal E bikes - gordonbennet

Politicians kicking the can down the road as far and for as long as possible, can't let the plebs realise that the long term plan for most of them a bike or scooter is to be their only privately owned transport, luckily by the time most plebs have realised where things are going said polticos will have moved on to count their wealth behind the walls of their Cotswolds pile and it will be someone else taking the flak, twas ever thus.

Illegal E bikes - focussed

Politicians kicking the can down the road as far and for as long as possible, can't let the plebs realise that the long term plan for most of them a bike or scooter is to be their only privately owned transport, luckily by the time most plebs have realised where things are going said polticos will have moved on to count their wealth behind the walls of their Cotswolds pile and it will be someone else taking the flak, twas ever thus.

Encouraging to see that at least two of the regulars knows what's being planned for the future of the UK populace. That's me and you GB, the rest just seem to be totally oblivious or dismissive, as it's just a conspiracy theory according to them.

Unfortunately, it IS a conspiracy in real time, written down and documented in detail.

Page 4 box 1

"Reduce vehicles from a potential 2.1 billion to 0.5 billion"

That's all vehicles, petrol, diesel, electric, hydrogen etc.

Fortunately, I cannot foresee this being tolerated in France where I live.

Illegal E bikes - Andrew-T

<< ... the rest just seem to be totally oblivious or dismissive, as it's just a conspiracy theory according to them. >>

I presume the thought behind the quoted document is a plan to limit the threat of global warming aggravated by vehicles. So the argument is between supporters of different conspiracy theories ?

Illegal E bikes - focussed

<< ... the rest just seem to be totally oblivious or dismissive, as it's just a conspiracy theory according to them. >>

I presume the thought behind the quoted document is a plan to limit the threat of global warming aggravated by vehicles. So the argument is between supporters of different conspiracy theories ?

If the plan is to limit the threat of human-caused global warming, why is the declared aim of the WEF to reduce ALL vehicles by 75%?

Illegal E bikes - Adampr

<< ... the rest just seem to be totally oblivious or dismissive, as it's just a conspiracy theory according to them. >>

I presume the thought behind the quoted document is a plan to limit the threat of global warming aggravated by vehicles. So the argument is between supporters of different conspiracy theories ?

If the plan is to limit the threat of human-caused global warming, why is the declared aim of the WEF to reduce ALL vehicles by 75%?

It's not. I'm not sure any of that report can be considered a 'declared aim' but they're not talking about a reduction in existing vehicles, it's about stopping the trajectory that we are currently on, which could lead to 2.1 billion vehicles.

The aim, if we're calling it that, is to introduce other forms of transport that mean people won't want or need cars in urban areas. The reasons for that are in the same box.

Illegal E bikes - alan1302

Politicians kicking the can down the road as far and for as long as possible, can't let the plebs realise that the long term plan for most of them a bike or scooter is to be their only privately owned transport, luckily by the time most plebs have realised where things are going said polticos will have moved on to count their wealth behind the walls of their Cotswolds pile and it will be someone else taking the flak, twas ever thus.

Encouraging to see that at least two of the regulars knows what's being planned for the future of the UK populace. That's me and you GB, the rest just seem to be totally oblivious or dismissive, as it's just a conspiracy theory according to them.

Unfortunately, it IS a conspiracy in real time, written down and documented in detail.

Page 4 box 1

"Reduce vehicles from a potential 2.1 billion to 0.5 billion"

That's all vehicles, petrol, diesel, electric, hydrogen etc.

Fortunately, I cannot foresee this being tolerated in France where I live.

The articles title at the top says:

'There is no pathway to meeting the Paris Agreement climate goals without electrifying urban transport, growing shared transport use and designing more compact cities'

Do you disagree?

What is so bad about

'Designing more compact cities that enable and prioritize active mobility (walking, cycling) and shared transport can maximize opportunities for emissions reductions while creating more liveable cities. Crucially, compact cities also offer an opportunity to revitalize urban areas, creating more economically viable communities by enhancing local services and encouraging mixed-use districts'

Does that sound like some kind of awful place for you to live in?

Although you seem to think that they are in charge of the world the WEF aren't - so this is just their thoughts on what they would like to see in the world and no plan for what the UK does or does not do.

Illegal E bikes - focussed

Although you seem to think that they are in charge of the world the WEF aren't - so this is just their thoughts on what they would like to see in the world and no plan for what the UK does or does not do.

Awww! - So you think the WEF are just a bunch of fluffy harmless do-gooders? Think again.

An Australian senator took to task the influence the World Economic Forum (WEF) has over multiple world governments, in particular the cabinet of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

“It’s an ideology which is creeping into governments across the world,” said Alex Antic, an Australian Liberal senator who serves as a member of the conservative bloc of the Liberal Party on March 29.

Antic in particular made note of comments a few years back from WEF founder Klaus Schwab, who said in 2017, “What we are very proud of now is the young generation like Prime Minister (Justin) Trudeau … We penetrate the cabinet. So yesterday I was at a reception for Prime Minister Trudeau, and I know that half of his cabinet, or even more than half of his cabinet, are actually Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum.”

“It’s true in Argentina, it’s true in France — now with the President, who is a young global leader,’” Schwab continued.

Schwab’s 2017?declaration?that various world government leaders were “leaders of” the WEF did not sit well with Antic, who said the group is “steeped in authoritarianism and Marxist ideology.”

“Closer inspection reveals the World Economic Forum is an anti-capitalist, anti-free market organization that seeks to subvert western values and political processes, and they are very organized and very well funded,” Antic said.

“Their message is designed to appear harmless when in fact the ideology that underpins it is revolutionary and destructive. They train aspirational leaders in their ideology and help them make connections in spheres including in politics, business and the arts.”

The WEF is a globalist organization behind?the “Great Reset” agenda, which is a radical?plan?created by global elites that seeks to “push the reset button on the global economy” and establish a New World Order.

Canadians are becoming more aware in recent months of the WEF’s influence in Canadian politics, including the fact that some of its ministers in the government are members of the organization.

Illegal E bikes - alan1302

Although you seem to think that they are in charge of the world the WEF aren't - so this is just their thoughts on what they would like to see in the world and no plan for what the UK does or does not do.

Awww! - So you think the WEF are just a bunch of fluffy harmless do-gooders? Think again.

An Australian senator took to task the influence the World Economic Forum (WEF) has over multiple world governments, in particular the cabinet of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

“It’s an ideology which is creeping into governments across the world,” said Alex Antic, an Australian Liberal senator who serves as a member of the conservative bloc of the Liberal Party on March 29.

Antic in particular made note of comments a few years back from WEF founder Klaus Schwab, who said in 2017, “What we are very proud of now is the young generation like Prime Minister (Justin) Trudeau … We penetrate the cabinet. So yesterday I was at a reception for Prime Minister Trudeau, and I know that half of his cabinet, or even more than half of his cabinet, are actually Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum.”

“It’s true in Argentina, it’s true in France — now with the President, who is a young global leader,’” Schwab continued.

Schwab’s 2017?declaration?that various world government leaders were “leaders of” the WEF did not sit well with Antic, who said the group is “steeped in authoritarianism and Marxist ideology.”

“Closer inspection reveals the World Economic Forum is an anti-capitalist, anti-free market organization that seeks to subvert western values and political processes, and they are very organized and very well funded,” Antic said.

“Their message is designed to appear harmless when in fact the ideology that underpins it is revolutionary and destructive. They train aspirational leaders in their ideology and help them make connections in spheres including in politics, business and the arts.”

The WEF is a globalist organization behind?the “Great Reset” agenda, which is a radical?plan?created by global elites that seeks to “push the reset button on the global economy” and establish a New World Order.

Canadians are becoming more aware in recent months of the WEF’s influence in Canadian politics, including the fact that some of its ministers in the government are members of the organization.

Comes across very much of someone that does not agree with what one organizstions wants are and therefore tries to tarnish their reputation by coming out with a lot of words but not much substance and a lot of it based on conspiracy theories with no actual facts. Quite sad so many people buy into it all.

Illegal E bikes - Andrew-T

It's also the case that many mobility 'scooters' exceed the speed limits as legislated, but nothing happens with that

What would you like to see done ?

Would it be practicable ?

Would it work ?

Illegal E bikes - Brit_in_Germany

The law has been made by government. It is up to the local area as to what resources they use to enforce the laws taking into account the perceived local problem.

Illegal E bikes - Terry W

The law already exists to stop illegal use of e-bikes and scooters. Central government need do nothing more.

If you don't like it write to your local police, police commissioner, councillors who have the authority to do something about it.

You have a democratic right to elect those who promise the action you want. If they fail to win a majority and don't get to represent your interest, that is democracy in action.

Central government should delegate democratic authority and action where possible. Inviting them to act further on local issues is asking for interference and trouble generally. The usual criticism (rightly) levelled is that they don't understand local issues!

Illegal E bikes - sammy1

"""The law already exists to stop illegal use of e-bikes and scooters. Central government need do nothing more."""

Sorry I cannot agree with this broad statement. What is the point of making laws if the law makers do not follow through and make sure that they are obeyed. The lawmakers have to keep tabs on the police public prosecutors and the rest of the system. Yes members of the public can write to who ever MPs and all the rest but this takes ages and mostly nothing happens. It is up to the elected central government to keep tabs on everything especially to my mind on local government. How can local councils end up going bankrupt and need to be bailed out by the central one US What is that all about allowing public funds to be invested in all sorts in stead of providing the services which we pay for

Illegal E bikes - Terry W

A philosophical political question - to what extent should central government delegate legislative and operational responsibility to lower level bodies.

IMHO central government should only retain control over that which needs to be managed centrally. They don't have the time, skills or local knowledge to do otherwise.

The converse model seeks to control all activities by central decree. IMHO this is bureaucratic, inefficient, out of touch with local needs etc. But it is a legitimate option.

Passing laws, however electorally attractive, which are either incapable or unlikely be enforceable or observed is either dishonest or plain pointless. E-bike laws (however worthy) are an example of this.

That MP's, councillors etc have generally little inclination to do anything is evidence that scarce resources should be applied to more pressing needs - eg: drugs, fraud, street violence, anti-terrorism etc.

Illegal E bikes - Andrew-T

Sorry I cannot agree with this broad statement. What is the point of making laws if the law makers do not follow through and make sure that they are obeyed.

Sammy, I think you may have answered your own question. It seems to be common knowledge that the public have mostly given up on expecting the police to control low-order breaches of the law, so there is little point in passing even more laws and expecting them to make any difference beyond reminding law-abiders of what they should/should not do.

Police Powers - Armitage Shanks {p}

Police will not turn out for a domestic burglary unless there are forensic traces (Bood and fingerprints etc) but they will handout standardised claim forms and the clear up rate is utterly dismal anyway.

Illegal E bikes - Falkirk Bairn

Pensioner run down on pavement on Tuesday by somebody on ebike.

Die yesterday morning.

Something has to be done.

Last winter a young lad on a e-scooter almost collided with me at a mini-roundabout.

Dark, raining - he was in black and nothing to identify his presence - at least 20 mph - ebike and downhill to the mini roundabout!

Illegal E bikes - badbusdriver

Pensioner run down on pavement on Tuesday by somebody on ebike.

Die yesterday morning.

Is it being an ebike relevant here or just a conveniently inflammatory extra?. Without knowing specifics, it seems that this happened due to irresponsible/dangerous/inconsiderate riding, by someone who happened to be on an ebike.

Last winter a young lad on a e-scooter almost collided with me at a mini-roundabout.

Dark, raining - he was in black and nothing to identify his presence - at least 20 mph - ebike and downhill to the mini roundabout!

It being an e-scooter is irrelevant. Very easy to reach 20+mph going downhill on any purely pedal powered bicycle, or foot propelled scooter. The pertinent factors here are lack of high viz and/or lights along with irresponsible/dangerous/inconsiderate riding

Illegal E bikes - Terry W

I drove from Hertfordshire to Hammersmith early Friday evening following satnav - M1, then Neasden, Harlesden, Willesden.

Few e-bikes but lots of small motorbikes. 80% on L plates. Many (30%+) ridden too fast, in and out of lane, ignoring road markings/signals, little concern for pedestrians, some without helmets. I got the impression that most riders were young.

Small bikes are a quick and cheap way to get around London congestion. I saw no attempts to control their antics by the police. Riders obviously assume St Christopher is looking after them.

They can be ridden with impunity - no tax, no insurance, no MoT etc. It makes little difference whether the power source is KW or petrol.

Illegal E bikes - corax
Small bikes are a quick and cheap way to get around London congestion. I saw no attempts to control their antics by the police. Riders obviously assume St Christopher is looking after them.

Police are noticeable by their absence. Budgets cut to the bone? Some kid goes hurtling down the road most days here during rush hour on an E scooter. I'm just waiting for the inevitable accident.

There has also been a Mazda RX7 rotary engine with a straight through exhaust and no silencers for a few months. The noise has to be heard to be believed, it's loud to the point of painful. A little girl with her mum screwed up her face and stuck her fingers in her ears when he went past. In the past, the police would have clamped down on that fairly quickly. Anyway, it seems to have disappeared now so maybe they have finally clocked it or hopefully it's blown up.

Illegal E bikes - bathtub tom
There has also been a Mazda RX7 rotary engine with a straight through exhaust and no silencers for a few months. The noise has to be heard to be believed, it's loud to the point of painful.

When mazda took a w***el to Le Mans, the rest of the pit lane would applaud when they turned it off.

Illegal E bikes - expat
There has also been a Mazda RX7 rotary engine with a straight through exhaust and no silencers for a few months. The noise has to be heard to be believed, it's loud to the point of painful. A little girl with her mum screwed up her face and stuck her fingers in her ears when he went past. In the past, the police would have clamped down on that fairly quickly.

I did read somewhere that police in Paris had set up a decibel meter attached to a number plate recognition camera and were issuing automatic noise tickets just like speed tickets. It seemed like a good idea - clamp down on a public nuisance and probably generate lots of revenue also.

Illegal E bikes - focussed

Paris wants to get rid of all cars, scooters and motorcycles :-

Illegal E bikes - Ethan Edwards

Illegal Ebikes will easily go faster than Drakeford's 20mph draconian blanket speed limit. So maybe they're a good thing.

Illegal E bikes - Bromptonaut

Illegal Ebikes will easily go faster than Drakeford's 20mph draconian blanket speed limit. So maybe they're a good thing.

You've fallen for HMG's lies. There is no 'blanket' speed limit.

Illegal E bikes - Brit_in_Germany

You've fallen for HMG's lies. There is no 'blanket' speed limit.

Cardiff looks to be comprehensively yellow.

Illegal E bikes - Terry W

It's possible that as e-bikes and e-scooters continue to gain popularity, governments may implement more comprehensive regulations to address the various issues and concerns related to their use.

The laws already exist to regulate e-bikes and scooters.

They are (quite simply) very rarely enforced. Creating more laws will do little to change this.

Illegal E bikes - gordonbennet

Nearly got cleaned up meself earlier today, in Morrisons underground car park, just exiting the stairs laden with two bags of stuff only to find a rental e scooter hammering past my nose as i cleared the bottom step.

Only last year i managed not to clean up a couple of girls with my car (early teens, definately not licence holder age) riding, sorry wobbling, one of the approved rental e scooters on the wrong side of the road doubled up.

You need eyes up your back side now.