Disabled Tax - Zark

Hi all

I bought a car last week that had disabled tax on it.

The dealer updated the V5 details online and took me to the post office close to them where I paid to tax it.

As the dealer had already updated my details the post office never sent the V5 back and gave it back to the dealer.

My V5 came through and still had disabled tax on it. I then took the V5 to my local post office to see if they could change it to normal tax and they scanned it and said there is nothing to pay. As it let me pay for tax at the other post office it had been done correctly and any issue would be with DVLA.

I rang DVLA and they told me that is because the dealer did the transfer online when the post office should have done all this.

The online transfer triggered the sending of the V5 with the Disabled tax class, and I should get another one within four weeks with correct tax class from the post office transaction.

I have checked online, and the vehicle is showing as taxed with no rates (presumably because it thinks it disabled tax)

I am now starting to wonder as the post office never sent the V5 back if I would still get a replacement or if scanning the one I had received would override the other transaction.

I don't want to bother the DVLA again and over complicate it all with all these scenarios I am dreaming up.

They did say if I never received it in four weeks to contact them again.

Has anyone else had experience of this?


Edited by Zark on 05/02/2024 at 14:44