Nissan Micra k13 2913 - DIY respray on all four corners of used car, why? - tomasino

Can anyone help with this. I have been a basic DIY mecanic for years and bought and sold a fair amount of used cars but I have never seen anything like this.

Micra k13 1.2 petrol "pure drive" manual, black, 2013 with 55 thousand km low milage (its Spain) and the seller is letting me have it for 5000 euro. Fine, its all very nice and neat except for this DIY v bodge basic black spray paint on all four bumper corners. Really bald front tyres too and rear ones in vgc, not that odd I suppose for a small fwd. The bumpers seem orignial, nothing is coming up so far on history for accidents or anything. It has come over from an overseas territory where it was from purchase, Ceuta in N. Africa. Seller says it was his Dads who was military over there, and this explains the v low km for 11 yrs. Paperwork to prove it all fine. So the only theories I have are either 1) his old man was precious and liked to spray over little parking sc***es on the corners or 2) it got bashed about in transit ove to the mainland (Murcia). where I am about to purchase it now and his son has sprayed it on. He gave no explanation for it. Its just on the bumpers on the corners, all four. Not on the bodywork as such which is very neat.

Does anyone have any experience or theory for this? Maybe I should steer clear...


Nissan Micra k13 2913 - DIY respray on all four corners of used car, why? - madf

On a boat,

Not secured: rolled around, hit other cars.ship sides/bollards etc

Nissan Micra k13 2913 - DIY respray on all four corners of used car, why? - badbusdriver

Why don't you ask the seller about the corners?

Not really sure about it otherwise. It seems expensive compared to UK prices, but maybe average or even cheap for Spain?

That age of Micra is not actually that great a car, they were built in India and very much to a budget. As for the tyres, yes, a fwd car will usually wear its front tyres quicker, but not to the extent that the fronts were bald and the rears good. Personally, I wouldn't get too hung up about the low mileage. With a manual gearbox and the n/a 1.2 they are fairly reliable.

All in all, unless that price is very good for Spain, it doesn't sound like a great buy to me.

Edited by badbusdriver on 29/03/2024 at 18:38

Nissan Micra k13 2913 - DIY respray on all four corners of used car, why? - tomasino

Thanks to the replies. The boat theory is plausable. Yeh I did ask and its like a minor red flag because he said he had never noticed and didnt know anything about it... I contacted about five sellers all late year K12s at about the 140 to 180 thousand km for 2000-3000 euro except for this k13 just as an extra really because it was very local, but it turned out so far he was the only seller who replied. I need to compare it to other, cheaper ones, not k13 but a k12 with more milage but for less money.

I´m more interested in a respectable well looked after late K12 tbh for about 2000 euro (less if possible but that is what you pay here mainly, Spanish used market being less fluid than the UK). I had a few K11s back in the UK and I loved them. Its interesting you say the K13s were made more to a budget, the India thing doesnt worry me per se since we also have s Dacia Duster from Rumania or Turkey or wherever and its a pretty great car imo, and indeed the British built (?) k11s did have cheapness issues too but I remember the 16v petrol engine was bombproof and, well if I could go back in time Id have one just like that I would. Maybe I should look for a decent late year k11 too. I dont really need a car for work, I just want something small and not too horrid to get back into doing home DIY mecanics on, but I can do some long journeys if need be and maybe do some short course etc. Some Nissans I think are like some Toyotas in that the owner profile was very a very staid and boring anti petrol head type driver with money would take it to the main dealer a lot, not drive it a fat lot, which helps to make them a good buy in comparison to say, a Clio. This must seem crazy to a lot of people as these days people can spend more more on bicycles but heh. Were the K12s as "good" as the K11s? Anyone? cheers

Nissan Micra k13 2913 - DIY respray on all four corners of used car, why? - badbusdriver

It isn't exactly that the K13 is a bad car, more that it's just not a very good one. While it is slightly more spacious than its predecessor thanks to a longer wheelbase and bigger boot (though if memory serves, the K13 lost the very useful sliding rear seat the K12 had), in other respects, the K13 was a step backwards from the K12. Poorer interior quality, poorer ride and handling and poorer refinement.

That the K11 also had cheap feeling plastic is irrelevant because back then, so did every other supermini and more importantly, it was a step forward in all areas over it's predecessor. But in the kinder Spanish climate, I guess you should be able to take your pick from the Micra's back catalogue!. And assuming K11 and/or K12 has enough space and performance to meet your needs, I'd say both would be preferable to a K13 (though presumably the crash protection of both, but especially the K11 would be worse)

Nissan Micra k13 2913 - DIY respray on all four corners of used car, why? - Brit_in_Germany

It was likely used to form a physical barrier at the border and in the process was damaged. The security forces only had an aerosol of black paint and went round each corner giving it a quick spray to cover the blood stains.

Nissan Micra k13 2913 - DIY respray on all four corners of used car, why? - tomasino

ha ha yeh maybe. Climate wise there are sill old classics like 205s being used down here much more so than back in the UK I would think. And one thing the K11 definitely suffered from was rust. Problem here is that I dont think they sold many k11s here to the same extent as Britain, here you saw much more k12s than k11s hence more chance I think of getting a good used one of those. I do keep my eye out for a good k11 but most here now will have had their first careful owners long gone and been bought and not well looked after by young skint drivers for the past few years.