Ford mondeo - radio code - midgemo

Can I get a radio code just from my reg had new battery fitted today now stereo needs code ford mondeo VF06BXG it is original sony stereo or do I need to go to local main dealer any help appreciated

Ford mondeo - radio code - Galaxy

You need to get the serial number of the radio.

Try pushing buttons 1 and 6 together and turn radio on. Failing that the radio needs to be pulled out from the dashboard to read the label containing the serial number.

The serial number will be in the form M 123456 or V 123456 where 123456 is a six-digit number.

Obtain serial number and then post again. Can't do "V" codes on here, only "M" ones.

For a "V" code only Ford Main Dealer or sellers on Ebay.

Ford mondeo - radio code - midgemo

Ok thanks will pull it out tomorrow and re post

Ford mondeo - radio code - midgemo

Hi mate sorry for delay the code is M033524 cheers

Ford mondeo - radio code - Galaxy


Ford mondeo - radio code - midgemo

Thanks all up and running ,music at last thanks again

Ford mondeo - radio code - Sergiu Cusnir

Hello. How can I get a radio code. I changed battery and now need code. SN: SOCD6X8 V010731



Ford mondeo - radio code - FP

The S/N V010731 should have the code


Ford mondeo - radio code - Sergiu Cusnir

Thank you.

Ford mondeo - radio code - FP

You don't say, but I assume the code is correct. I hope so, anyway.

Edited by FP on 08/12/2021 at 23:08

Ford mondeo - radio code - Rhett Mayles
Hi. I need a radio code also, SN: V001341



Edited by Rhett Mayles on 09/02/2024 at 22:50

Ford mondeo - radio code - FP

The S/N 001341 should have the code


"Please" and "thank you" are always appreciated.

Ford mondeo - radio code - Zoltán Péter Szabó


I would like to ask for your help. I have a 2011 Ford Mondeo and I would like to find out the radio code. It is an aftermarket radio. What do I need to do to find out the radio code?