No rise! - Jonathan
Todays budget

no rise in fuel duty or road tax.

fuel duty differential for cleaner fuels also

Any views? (silly question really)

Re: No rise! - Tomo
What's the catch? (Suggestion - it might bamboozle the electorate into voting this abysmal shower in again, and THEN..........)
Re: No rise! - Derek
Or the other abysmal shower ...................
Re: No rise! - Tom Shaw
All thanks to the fuel protests of Sept 2000. Now, how about a fag tax blockade....?
Re: No rise! - mybrainhurts
Did I hear Gordy say he's decided not to increase fule duty because oil prices are rising?

So, he did CONSIDER it, then.

What a short memory. Doesn't the man ever learn?
FULE - mybrainhurts
.....................That's fuel, not fule

How fulish can you get??.........................
Re: No rise! - Dan J
This is the last Budget prior to the next election. What Gordon is trying to do is give a budget that gives them their required extra cash [whether or not it is well conceived - no political argument here] and not p!ss off the electorate by dumping 50p on a pint of lager and 5p on a litre of unleaded, the usual easy targets...
Re: No rise! - Mark
What you on about - last one before the next election? The next election is most likely to be 2005 or 2006 (at the latest). Do you know something we don't?