Speed humps revelation - mybrainhurts
I was rear ended recently and have spent a week in a Peugeot 307 hiremobile.

The pug does not notice speed humps, cushions or raised pedestrian crossings.
What an eye-opener.
I've been driving with a stiff suspension setup for several years and have to be inch-perfect to straddle cushions, or the thump is spine-jarring. Some new cushions are so high, I can't get over them below 30mph without grounding. Over 30mph lets me clear them!

My local authority has been laying these confounded obstacles for a few years, during which time I've broken 3 anti roll bar brackets and a coil spring, something that's never happened before in 38 years of motoring.

I thought everyone was exposed to this abuse.......not so.

If the pug is immune, I assume all normal suspension setups are immune.

So, what bl**dy purpose do they serve?
Re: Speed humps revelation - Mahatma Coate
Noticed pretty much the same thing in a Focus
Re: Speed humps revelation - ChrisR
If you really want immune, try a hydraulic Citroen.

Re: Speed humps revelation - Trevor Potter
"what bl**dy purpose do they serve?"

They slow cars down - and are the only effective means of so doing.

Did your "sporty" car thump when you went over humps at 10mph?

"the pug is immune"

Ah, but a pals Impreza turbo DEFINITELY "is immune" - so what speed does he go over them at - 20mph tops!!
Re: Speed humps revelation - The
> Ah, but a pals Impreza turbo DEFINITELY "is immune" - so what speed does he go over them at - 20mph tops!!

Are they in a 20 zone?

Or does he have some other reason for always travelling at 2/3 "tops" the posted limit?
Re: Speed humps revelation - Derek
I don't know where Trevor's pal lives, but the humps in my area are in a 20 limit. No problem if you keep within that limit.
Re: Speed humps revelation - Phil Ireland

Please don't rise to Bogush bait. My head still aching from yesterdays diatribes.

rgds Phil I.
Re: Speed humps revelation - David W

Have you noticed your "new" car with regard to it's hump ability? Having said that your previous car was comfortable so possibly you might not have seen such a massive improvement.

The selection of vehicles I look after are quite a cross section of the average car park, but with little grot and few *very* expensive vehicles. Each one goes to the MOT station locally every year over a well known route that easily enables me to judge a vehicle. This includes 6 speed humps.

It is important with many to ensure I don't forget I'm not in the Xantia or the exhausts would be ripped off. 10/20/30 mph seems to make little difference, as Chris says Citroen must have designed with them in mind.

Re: Speed humps revelation - Trevor Potter
It's OK - I don't even read his postings.
Re: Speed humps revelation - neil
Well, that confirms some of my thoughts about you!

What do you look at (for the 2/3 of the time you look out of the window at all, apparently!) when navigating speed cushions?

I'd guess most people look at the cushion - ie not the little old lady 10 metres down the road!

Target fixation ring any bells?
Re: Speed humps revelation - The Unbalanced Redneck
They both struggle with speed humps at 10mph.

But then they're Nottingham speed bumps which the buses refuse to go over, and divert round if the council won't dig them up and put lower ones in.

And which the council refuse to give safe crossing speeds for, and insist it's the drivers responsibility to judge the appropriate speed for road hazards and obstuctions?!?!:-(

Otherwise the usual Citroen ride, but I've not been to Ireland yet;-)
note for Trevor Potter - mybrainhurts
Trevor Potter......

You said

"They slow cars down - and are the only effective means of so doing."

You miss my point, Trevor.......they DO NOT slow cars down. In the pug, the faster you take them, the less effective and more comfortable they are.

You asked

"Did your "sporty" car thump when you went over humps at 10mph?"

This is precisely what I said it did. I repeat, I cannot traverse some new cushions below 30mph without grounding, but I do not ground if I travel at more than 30mph.

I always try to comply with 30 & 40 but, on this road, I now find I HAVE to exceed the limit to clear the cushion.

So, I ask again.........what's the bl**dy point? The only things I can come up with are (1) to keep planners in jobs (2) to pander to the green mafia's quenchless thirst to restrict the activities of everyone else, just for the sake of it.

And, please, don't start trying to justify them on safety grounds. Personal observation makes it clear that drivers are (1) concentrating on the location of humps at the expense of scanning all round for hazards (problem compounded at night) and (2) jockeying for position on the middle cushion with oncoming traffic.

I have witnessed many near misses. Remember, if one person gets it wrong and meets another on that middle cushion, it's no different from hitting a concerete block at 60mph. Yes, I know it would be better if both approached at 10mph, but we live in the real world, and it appears that people don't do that. Haven't you noticed?
Re: Speed humps revelation - Trevor Potter
You asked the question, I answered.

If you don't WANT an answer, DON'T ask the question.
Re: Speed humps revelation - Trevor Potter
P.S "personal" messages will not be read.
Re: Speed humps revelation - mybrainhurts
It was a rhetorical question, Trev.

Didn't require an answer, and you didn't answer it.

What's a "personal" message?
Re: Speed humps revelation - bob
for god's sake, bogbrush....get a life.
Re: Speed humps revelation - The
bob wrote:
> for god's sake, bogbrush....get a life.


This is in answer to?

Oh, sorry, I'd forgotten, you are utterly and totally unable to answer ANY of the points I have EVER raised.

OK, this is in response to?
Re: Speed humps revelation - Trevor Potter
bob - why not choose 2-3 "ranters" and not even read their postings?

Works for me.
Re: Speed humps revelation - neil
Like not looking at a third of the road works for you?

Well, I suppose its one solution - (I think it's called bigotry?)
Re: Speed humps revelation - bob
thanks for the advice Trevor. I've tried ignoring the ranters to no avail. Nowadays I get more fun by insulting bogbrush or whatever he calls himself. He is too thick skinned to realise and just keeps pumping out the diatribe. He thinks he is contributing to a debate, the sad soul.
Have you looked at his own site www.bogush.fsnet.co.uk
It's a ranters paradise. quite stunning in it's own way.
Re: Speed humps revelation - Trevor Potter
Why would I want to look at a ranters site - this one is bad enough!
Re: Speed humps revelation - The
Glad to hear you've actually managed to look at my site young bob.

All we need now is for you to learn to read, and then you might actually gain something from following the links.

PS Have you actually EVER come up with ANY reasoned response to ANYTHING I've said?

Just wondering, cos I can't recall any.
Re: Speed humps revelation - bob
No bogbrush I have not - because I can't be bothered to waste my time arguing with you. You are a useless wassock with nothing better to do than rant.
Re: Speed humps revelation - The
Actually, you mean quarrelling.

If you could argue, you might actually learn something.

Like who the phrase:

> You are a useless wassock with nothing better to do than rant.

might more accurately describe.
Re: Speed humps revelation - bob
bogbrush - i have no idea what you are tlaking about
Re: Speed humps revelation - The
Why does that not surprise me?
Re: Speed humps revelation - bob
is it because you don't either?
Re: Speed humps revelation - bob
true, Trevor, true, but you should look to see how bad this site could get if bogbrush had his way!
Re: Speed humps revelation - The

And if you two had your way it would be full of vacuous soundbites, misinformation on the Highway code, exhortations for the masses to follow the rules, and boasts about how you get given sports cars by your PAs and "undertake" kids in them.

You're both in the same class, aren't you?
Re: Speed humps revelation - bob
soundbites are a bit "new labour" bogbrush - are you John Prescott in disguise?
Re: Speed humps revelation - The
Nah, I'd never fit into his pants.

And my brains a lot bigger too!