Why are accident management solicitors referring clients to counsellors when there's no need to?

I have a friend who is a counsellor, and she told me last week that some of her clients were referred to her by solicitors acting on their behalf after a car accident. In some cases the clients were fine but were 'forced' to go to her even though they didn't want to. She also said she has seen reports and gathers that the referrer is charging about four/five times her going rate per session. Have you heard of this ridiculous situation that in addition to spurious injury compensation are increasing everybody’s premiums?

Asked on 24 August 2013 by SS, Liverpool

Answered by Honest John
No, but I agree, it's completely ridiculous. It's time all these parasites on our car insurance were exterminated. But there seem to be too many vested interests involved for that to happen.
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