I clipped a parked car but didn't stop - should I report it to the police?

Earlier today I clipped a parked vehicle. Initially I though I had just knocked my mirror but later realised I had scratched the body of my car I am now worried I may have damaged the other car. I did not leave my details so should I report this to the police on a self-report form in case the driver reports the incidence and wants my insurance details. Will anything happen to me if no one contacts the police? I now know that leaving the scene without leaving your details is a criminal offence.

Asked on 14 June 2010 by helsbels

Answered by David Ross
Sounds like you need some specialist legal advice. I suggest you re-post this in our legal forum, where one of our legal eagles may be able to help you: www.honestjohn.co.uk/forum/threads.htm?f=12
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