First Car Purchase - thunderbird

You are not a car buyer.

You are a SPAMMER

So go away and die a painful death,

First Car Purchase - Theophilus

Not just a Spammer, but an uneducated spammer who has failed to research the English language as spoken in Britain - we have saloons, not sedans (unless you are thinking of buying a sedan chair!)

First Car Purchase - galileo

Not just a Spammer, but an uneducated spammer who has failed to research the English language as spoken in Britain - we have saloons, not sedans (unless you are thinking of buying a sedan chair!)

For entertainment, have a look at Tipping Point or Tenable, both daily demonstrations of the failed education system here. Yesterday 2 contestants thought Mount Everest was in Tanzania, another thought Henry VIII was one of the last ten British Monarchs.

We are no longer able to feel smugly superior to the yanks, unfortunately.

Time spent on reading, writing, arithmetic, history and geography would be more beneficial than brainwashing political correctness into students, but this seems now to be a minority view.