Al Creatures Great and Small - C5 - Trilogy.

Given up with this part way through tonight's episode. It really is quite lame, very little based on the original book and not a patch on the original BBC series. What does anyone else think?

Al Creatures Great and Small - C5 - bathtub tom

I reckon it's more closely based on the original. At least they've given James a Scottish accent.

Can't think of it as anything else than 'ALL CREATURES GRUNT AND SMELL'.

Al Creatures Great and Small - C5 - Trilogy.

The Scottish accent is the only aspect that's closer. Much of the rest is further away or just made up.

Al Creatures Great and Small - C5 - Andrew-T

Many of us may have a rose-tinted view of the original series, which 'made' the three leading male actors (tho Robert Hardy was made already). I don't find many characters in the new series very convincing - especially the locals - but Siegfried and Tristan could certainly pass for brothers. James' 'Scottish' accent surfaces occasionally but is too weak to be a real Glaswegian IMHO. Maybe the makers felt a genuine one might be incomprehensible :-)

Al Creatures Great and Small - C5 - Bromptonaut

James' 'Scottish' accent surfaces occasionally but is too weak to be a real Glaswegian IMHO. Maybe the makers felt a genuine one might be incomprehensible :-)

IIRC in the books James Herriot was an Aberdonian, a disguise along with the pseudonym to avoid complications with the then policy of the RCVS against self promotion/advertising.

Al Creatures Great and Small - C5 - Engineer Andy

I thought they were going to show the original, but alas, yet another third-rate remake/reboot. Can't the entertainment industry think of anything new for once, rather than (badly) re-hashing old stories?

Al Creatures Great and Small - C5 - concrete

All Creatures Grunt and Snarl. It is a modern take on the story, no doubt. They have given Mrs Hall a fuller character and Helen is a bit more self assured and outgoing. However the programme does not suffer for that, in fact the more modern responses from the characters is quite in keeping with a remake. There is not too much deviation and I and SWMBO are enjoying the new series very much. You can't please all the people all the time..........

The original practice is in Thirsk and Herriot was called Alf White. My father was from Paisley and although having a brogue he was perfectly understandable as is young Herriot. The premises are now some sort of museum piece I think. We lived about 20 minutes away from Thirsk and it bears no relation to Darrowby. The village they use for that is way up in the Dales past Wensleydale. A playing colleague from our rugby club was a trainee vet with Alf White and he was a charming chap by all accounts. The same was never said about Siegfried though. A bit prickly I think.

Cheers Concrete

Al Creatures Great and Small - C5 - Trilogy.

In the new series Mrs Hall has lost 20 years or so. Now if only they'd been consistent and reduced everyone else's age as much.

Siegfried bought Tristan a car in this new series, that never happened on BBC, nor in the books. The house layout is a complete and utter shambles too. Supposed to be white washed walls as well. And I don't remember Helen having a younger sister either. Currently ready Alf white's first book so will soon find out if a sister appears.

The greatest sadness is the creators will now have to loom for a new Mrs Pumphrey.

Al Creatures Great and Small - C5 - Trilogy.

The original BBC series is being shown on BBC4 on Thursday evenings. Still better than C5's version, no rose tinted spectacles here.