Spam - misar

You might think that whoever runs this website would be able to stop spam bots. Especially as posts require prior registration.

Spam - bathtub tom

Give Avant a break. Anyone can can register and post guff. You may notice junk disappears after a while. He's not paid (afaik), but may get a few freebies this time of the year. Have you considered being an invigilator?

Spam - alan1302

Give Avant a break. Anyone can can register and post guff. You may notice junk disappears after a while. He's not paid (afaik), but may get a few freebies this time of the year. Have you considered being an invigilator?

Avant does not run the website - he's the mod that has to deal with all the Spam posts - the owners of the website should sort it out as it can sometimes be a pain to work through and does make the forum look very unprofessional.

Edited by alan1302 on 21/11/2020 at 23:35

Spam - Avant

I look at the forum at least once a day and delete spam as soon as I see it.

Neither I nor the forum proprietors can stop the mindless pondlife from inventing new Email addresses.

What I do find tedious is having to reply to people complaining about spam. Just IGNORE IT.

Spam - alan1302

What I do find tedious is having to reply to people complaining about spam. Just IGNORE IT.

You could always ignore posts about people complaining about don't have to reply. Just IGNORE IT :-)

The forum proprietors could put better checks into the forum software to make it harder for spam posts to be put onto the forum but have chosen not to. Easiest method would be to ensure say the first 10 posts from someone have to be pre-moderated before being shown on the site.

Spam - misar

Neither I nor the forum proprietors can stop the mindless pondlife from inventing new Email addresses.

If you read my OP you will see that I was careful to say "able to stop spam bots". I posted after checking the registration form and finding that it lacks even the most elementary precautions to prevent robot registrations. That is almost unheard of these days on even amateur websites let alone commercial ones such as this.

That will not stop "the mindless pondlife" doing it the hard way but I found it avoids much of the regular spam. Even the human variety can be neutered by doing as alan1302 suggested and pre-moderating the first few posts. I find just 2 is usually effective. Finally, you weed out invented email addresses by sending an automated email to each new one. The owner has to receive it and click a link to authenticate their registration.

No idea what your browsing habits are but it is virtually impossible to use the Internet these days without encountering all of those precautions somewhere. Except on this website ....

Edited by misar on 22/11/2020 at 08:17

Spam - Ethan Edwards

Hey stop the spam but not before that Lad from Lagos delivers the million billion pounds I won in the Outer Space lottery........

Spam - concrete

I agree with Avant. The website has its share of problems with idiots posting spam or stupid reviews and comments that are plainly ludicrous. You have to take the rough with the smooth and just get on enjoying all the good things about the forum. The same way I cannot prevent any m**** sending me e mails once they have my address, just get on with life.

Cheers Concrete

Spam - primus 1

You mean the fake driving licences and love potion spells aren’t real,,!?

dammit , I’ve wasted my money then

Spam - Bromptonaut

Neither I nor the forum proprietors can stop the mindless pondlife from inventing new Email addresses.

If you read my OP you will see that I was careful to say "able to stop spam bots". I

No idea what your browsing habits are but it is virtually impossible to use the Internet these days without encountering all of those precautions somewhere. Except on this website ....

The bottom line is that the site owner provides us with this sandpit to play in free of charge and without getting awkward about ad blockers. I'm afraid that, like real world sandpit, a cat poops in it now and then.

Spam - alan1302

Neither I nor the forum proprietors can stop the mindless pondlife from inventing new Email addresses.

If you read my OP you will see that I was careful to say "able to stop spam bots". I

No idea what your browsing habits are but it is virtually impossible to use the Internet these days without encountering all of those precautions somewhere. Except on this website ....

The bottom line is that the site owner provides us with this sandpit to play in free of charge and without getting awkward about ad blockers. I'm afraid that, like real world sandpit, a cat poops in it now and then.

You would think that they would want to put at least a few things to minimise it though - it does make the site look very unprofessional.

Spam - misar

Neither I nor the forum proprietors can stop the mindless pondlife from inventing new Email addresses.

If you read my OP you will see that I was careful to say "able to stop spam bots". I

No idea what your browsing habits are but it is virtually impossible to use the Internet these days without encountering all of those precautions somewhere. Except on this website ....

The bottom line is that the site owner provides us with this sandpit to play in free of charge and without getting awkward about ad blockers. I'm afraid that, like real world sandpit, a cat poops in it now and then.

You would think that they would want to put at least a few things to minimise it though - it does make the site look very unprofessional.

Worse than that it also provides a signpost for the "mindless pondlife" as Avant put it that the site may have other vulnerabilities. Spammed today, hacked tomorrow.

Spam - Avant

Brilliantly put, Bromptonaut! I'm the man with the shovel whose job it is to dig it out ASAP and throw it away.

What we don't want is self-righteous neighbours complaining that we have cat poo in our garden.

Edited by Avant on 24/11/2020 at 11:16

Spam - concrete

Brilliantly put, Bromptonaut! I'm the man with the shovel whose job it is to dig it out ASAP and throw it away.

What we don't want is self-righteous neighbours complaining that we have cat poo in our garden.

Here here, in reality we all deal with irritants on a daily basis. We can do that quite easily and these threads do stand out like a fighting dogs balls, so don't fool anyone. Except maybe Primus (only joking). The sandpit is a great analogy too.

Cheers Concrete