Gone down hill this year - Trilogy.

This site has gone down hill under new ownership. Replies don't show or disappear ,and I've just clicked on the latest Grand Monday cars in the 'Classics' section and get taken directly to the heycars website.

Come on new owners, you can do better than this!

Gone down hill this year - dan86

This site has gone down hill under new ownership. Replies don't show or disappear ,and I've just clicked on the latest Grand Monday cars in the 'Classics' section and get taken directly to the heycars website.

Come on new owners, you can do better than this!

The website has become a total mess as of late

Gone down hill this year - focussed

But you must remember that like the NHS, it's free at the point of delivery.

Gone down hill this year - nick62

Death by stealth?

Gone down hill this year - alan1302

To be fair there has always been issues with some of the forum - ads taking up too much space/replying not working properly etc.

Gone down hill this year - Andrew-T

Replies don't show or disappear ,and I've just clicked on the latest Grand Monday cars in the 'Classics' section and get taken directly to the heycars website.

The common problem seems to be that while the pick-list for threads shows many recent additions, quite a lot of them can't be seen - although one can add a reply and usually (?always) have it presented on screen. I am not normally a conspiracy theorist, but perhaps replies added by certain chosen individuals are rejected by the system? Or are there hackers at work? :-(

Gone down hill this year - edlithgow

Yes, I noticed that a lot of the apparent "articles" on there were apparently just false fronts for selling. Bad Practice.

Gone down hill this year - catsdad

On a positive note I think the AskHJ replies have improved in quality. There will no doubt be exceptions that people can dig out but in general they seem more considered and less predictable than when the much-missed HJ was fronting them. VAG don’t get the easy ride some of us feared they might. No longer are the stock answers to many questions Michelin CC tyres, the Jazz, Shell VPower and two footed automatic control.

On the other hand reviews now are more advertorial and the technical and spec data is reduced in new entries to less than HJ used to provide.

However the main thing that has stagnated is the quality of the back room itself. There are now only a few stalwarts and too many threads that border on trolling. We seem to get a lot of stuff where questioners just can’t be bothered to Google basic info but treat us as their own personal Alexa. Maybe it’s a lockdown thing and we are all becoming less interesting, it just here but in our ever reducing social interactions generally.

Finally I used to be able to find site traffic data where HJ was listed as one of the busiest UK sites. I can’t find this info now. Does anyone know how it’s been faring over recent months. Downwards?

Gone down hill this year - Mike H

We seem to get a lot of stuff where questioners just can’t be bothered to Google basic info but treat us as their own personal Alexa.

Unfortunately that seems to be a general thing. I'm a member of several FB groups, including the Honda CR-V owners club, and many of the questions asked could be much quicker answered by googling it. Many of the answers on FB are just wrong, because people are just guessing. Also, it seems to be too much trouble to check whether the question has been previously asked.

As for why there are only a few stalwarts here, I think that part of the trouble is that the forum is not smartphone friendly - I read regularly but post little because it's just such an awkward process. As I type this, I have to have my screen sideways, and even then can only see two full lines of text which don't automatically scroll as I type. If I have the phone vertical, I can see more text, but I either have to have half of it off the side of the screen, or the text so small it's illegible. The net result is that although I sometimes feel like commenting, it's frankly just too time consuming and awkward. But perhaps it's just me.

Gone down hill this year - Andrew-T

<< As for why there are only a few stalwarts here, I think that part of the trouble is that the forum is not smartphone friendly - I read regularly but post little because it's just such an awkward process. >>

I think you may be right, Mike. I'm not smartphone friendly either, so I am happy with this site being unchanged. I've no idea how many millennials bother with HJ, as some seem to believe most of them aren't bothered about the nitty-gritty of cars, but if these pages can't operate with Android etc, then either some mods (=changes) need making or it will remain the province of the older generations - as it appears to be anyway :-)

Gone down hill this year - SLO76
It’s rare to find a question posted by a new member asking for help these days. It’s mostly a few of us old hands and the occasional troll. I often mention the site to people and pretty much none have heard of it so clearly advertising isn’t working or is lacking.
Gone down hill this year - madf

Those of us who HAD to know how cars worked are a dying breed.

Cars from the 2000s on are basically reliable providing driven suitably and serviced...

Electric cars and hybrids are generally very reliable (I exclude BMWi3s and non Toyota hybrids). That is where the future lies.

And with PCPs so common, it's often cheaper (In the short term) to have a new car. So all work under warranty.

White Goods syndrome.

Couple that with lockdown where few drove much if at all, and the main issues were: do I need a new battery?

Once the economy recovers as us old old OAPs are vaccinated, expect more activity..

(I expect vaccination will take longer than hype says so as I am over 70. June for me...NO Pfizer equipped hospital within 30 miles and I am NOT driving to a Manchester hospital to Q for hours))

Gone down hill this year - Avant

We get newcomers fairly regularly: agreed, not all that many and I don't know where they hear about the forum. As always, SLO and others, thank you for the advice you give.

Thread moved to General: they're hardly likely to expect good advice if the first thing they see is a whole lot of people whingeing about how the forum has gone downhill.

Gone down hill this year - Trilogy.

Apologies Avant for putting the subject in the wrong place!

Gone down hill this year - mcb100

You have to ask what's in it for the new owners to spend money on a forum like this? What do they get from it at a time when the automotive industry, like many others, is struggling?

Edited by mcb100 on 08/12/2020 at 11:21

Gone down hill this year - Avant

Indeed. The forum doesn't earn money directly of course, but the idea is that it draws attention to the rest of the site. Advertising is the main source of income, but as you say we can't expect anyone to throw money at the forum at the moment (e.g. to improve the clunky software).

Gone down hill this year - Trilogy.

Surely an advert should link to the advert for that car. Someone has spent time on software so it links somewhere else. That's not cricket!

Gone down hill this year - sammy1

Indeed. The forum doesn't earn money directly of course, but the idea is that it draws attention to the rest of the site. Advertising is the main source of income, but as you say we can't expect anyone to throw money at the forum at the moment (e.g. to improve the clunky software).

??? Suggest there is no need to improve which may well cost more money but FIX the bug that has got in over the last 2 weeks. The site seemed to be OK, has the "clock" timer between the header and the posting gone out of sync? People will just give up if not fixed.

As an after thought inserting threads in the middle of existing threads should be stopped, they should all go in order of date and time?

Gone down hill this year - Engineer Andy

Indeed. The forum doesn't earn money directly of course, but the idea is that it draws attention to the rest of the site. Advertising is the main source of income, but as you say we can't expect anyone to throw money at the forum at the moment (e.g. to improve the clunky software).

I think the biggest frustration is that the problems have got significantly worse since the site changed onwership. If they haven't changed the software, then in theory it should have continued as before for the most part.

One thing I've certianly noticed is the big increase in phantom posts ('new' labels or today's date/time stamp with no new posts on a thread) and our own posts getting deleted - including on comments sections under News articles.

I can't say what is causing that (I'm not a computer expert but am no novice either), but in my view I don't think the issue is entirely 'software glitches'. Some comments critical of an article or the site (including polite constructive criticism/pointing out an error) magically disappear within a day of being posted - mainly on news articles.

Gone down hill this year - Avant

Just for the record, I don't moderate the news comments: it would take too much time and fortunately no-one has asked me to. The only exception to that is if someone reports spam to the moderator's Email address.

Gone down hill this year - Engineer Andy

Just for the record, I don't moderate the news comments: it would take too much time and fortunately no-one has asked me to. The only exception to that is if someone reports spam to the moderator's Email address.

Similarly, I wasn't accusing you of doing this in those cases. Oddly enough, one of my comments - in fact the entire thread - from one that mysteriously disappeared, has now miraculously returned.

Gremlins, leprachauns or the protomolecule? Either way, somebody's have a right laugh at the moment at our expense. :-)