Dropped Kerb & Footpath - Simon Marvell


Does anyone know where I stand with this.

I and my neighbours have recently spent around £7k in having the footpath and dropped kerbs sorted outside of our home as the developer did such a bad job (they'd also gone bust).

The Highways arm of our local authority want to dig up part of the foothpath as they believe there is a damaged cable that feeds the street lights (the cable damage / street lighting issue was way before we had the work done).

I've got an awful feeling that they'll just badly patch the areas they dig up, is there any one that I can ensure that they resurface the entire footpath so that it's the same as it is now?

I woulldn't normally be too fussed but we only had the work done just before Christmas and it cost a fair wedge.

Edited by Simon Marvell on 25/01/2022 at 08:15

Dropped Kerb & Footpath - RT

No you can't ensure it - it'll just be patched - as a mobility scooter user I find it uncomfortable running over all the joints from multiple patching - and it's visually unappealing.

Dropped Kerb & Footpath - daveyjp

Is it adopted highway and footpath? If so have the Council signed off the original job as being satisfactory?

If yes and it wasn't satisfactory complain to them that they signed off unsatisfactory work. If they didn't sign it off they should have the funds to put the job right from the bond paid by the developer.