Cheverolet Lacetti - Address of car's owner - 358david

I wonder if anyone can help, I hope this does not sound too complicated!

I bought a car from a friend and because I paid by instalments, instead of becoming the owner, the car was signed over to me as registered keeper - and after I finished paying we never got around to signing the car fully over to me. I now wish to get rid of the car, but he has subsequently moved, and I have lost contact with him.

I know you can contact the DVLA to get the owner's details, but aren't the details the DVLA will have going to be the same as I have - i.e his address when he last owned the car? I am guessing he will have a new car, and thus the DVLA will have his new address, will they be able to give those details to me, or maybe contact him on my behalf?

If I am not able to contact him, how do I get rid of a car that I am the keeper of, but not the owner?

Cheverolet Lacetti - Address of car's owner - sammy1

Your best bet is to fill out a form V62 from a post office and apply for the vehicle registration in your name. You could just sell the car and get the new owner to do likewise if they are satisfied that you now own the car

Cheverolet Lacetti - Address of car's owner - 358david

Thank you very much for the advice - I did not know about that form, I will fill it in and see how it goes.

Cheverolet Lacetti - Address of car's owner - Bromptonaut

Thank you very much for the advice - I did not know about that form, I will fill it in and see how it goes.

IIRC the DVLA will write to the previous owner at their last recorded address giving them a few days to object to the vehicle being re registered.

Cheverolet Lacetti - Address of car's owner - KJP 123

Am I misunderstanding?

The OP said, “the car was signed over to me as registered keeper” and later “…a car that I am the keeper of, but not the owner”. What he does not have is a bill of sale but he is still the owner.

I can’t see it being a problem with either a private sale or a p/x especially with other proof of address.

I don’t think that the DVLA will be much help. If the car is still registered in his name it will be at the old address and they are not going to give out details for a totally different car unknown car.

Cheverolet Lacetti - Address of car's owner - Palcouk

The DVLA registered owner is not necessarily the legal owner If the car is nt registered to you by the DVLA, then complete the form.

You dont need to worry about about any 'legal owner' issue, assuming you paid in full, over time.

Cheverolet Lacetti - Address of car's owner - Rerepo

DVLA have a record of the keeper, not the owner. Often the keeper and owner are the same person, but sometimes they are not.