Toyota Prius - Offered cash to not have V5C - Phil568889

Why has dealer offered me £250 not to apply for a replacement V5C?

Toyota Prius - Offered cash to not have V5C - Xileno

I would guess that the dealer's target was met by registering the car in their name and that it has to stay in their name for a certain period of time. This used to go on in the past but I haven't heard about it more recently.

Toyota Prius - Offered cash to not have V5C - daveyjp

Why? To earn far more than £250. Don't do it and you may like to inform the dealer what they are doing is potentially unlawful/illegal.

Toyota Prius - Offered cash to not have V5C - Andrew-T

Presumably this is a used car ? You are being offered a bribe. If he has no V5, he is trying to put you in the same position, making it harder for you to sell the car later. What is his explanation ?

Toyota Prius - Offered cash to not have V5C - Engineer Andy

Indeed - this surely must be illegal for them to do this. Without the new V5, then the OP isn't the legal new owner of the vehicle.

Toyota Prius - Offered cash to not have V5C - bathtub tom

Without the new V5, then the OP isn't the legal new owner of the vehicle.

The V5 denotes the keeper of the vehicle, absolutely nothing to do with the owner.

The V5 clearly denotes on the front page:


It shows who is responsible for registering and taxing the vehicle


Edited by bathtub tom on 29/07/2022 at 19:39

Toyota Prius - Offered cash to not have V5C - Andrew-T

Without the new V5, then the OP isn't the legal new owner of the vehicle.

The V5 denotes the keeper of the vehicle, absolutely nothing to do with the owner.

... although it very often is the same person, at least for privately-owned vehicles.