Cat N - Notifying DVLA - Tom12345

My wife’s car was subject to a Cat N write off 3 years ago. We bought the car back as salvage and replaced the bumper. Had it MOTd and have used it ever since with no probs.

The advice at the time about informing DVLA was very woolly. Insurers weren’t clear and said we didn’t need to send the log book anywhere. We stayed with the same insurer so they were already aware.

The car has just failed it’s MOT and it’s likely it will be scrapped, however it may be suitable for someone to fix up.

We still have the V5 but no indication it’s on a Cat N. And now I’m looking online where it appears that we should have informed the DVLA of the Cat N after all.

We want to do things right but just wanted some advice from anyone who has gone through this before. Are we liable for a £1000 fine if we re-sell the car even if we tell the new owner it is Cat N? Do we tell the DVLA now (3 years on) and would they endorse the V5 and give us a fine at the same time?

Many thanks

Cat N - Notifying DVLA - Adampr

As I understand it, a Cat N doesn't require re-registration, so the V5 will not change. You do, though, need to tell the DVLA. I'm not aware of any particular timescale, so I suspect it won't be a problem. Either way, you need to do it, but I doubt you'll get a fine.