Ford Fiesta - Stolen Car, V5C - RobM1993

My Ford Fiesta was stolen a few days ago from outside my girlfriend’s flat so going through the insurance processes as we speak. I’ve been asked to send my V5C to the claim handler but have noticed it has my old address on it and I moved from this address in May 2022. My license and insurance policy have been updated previously with my correct address but I’m concerned my claim might be denied based on the V5C having a different address on it, could this happen?

Ford Fiesta - Stolen Car, V5C - elekie&a/c doctor
Unlikely. The V 5 doesn’t really prove much . Your license and insurance are correct, so can’t see it being a problem.
Ford Fiesta - Stolen Car, V5C - Adampr

I doubt it but, ultimately, what's your other option?