Peugeot 2008 - Car dealer still owing money after car returned - Helen Lambley
Where do I stand when I have returned a car due to it being not fit for purpose, they have returned the finance amount and part of deposit but not the full deposit, money for the car I px and also expenses accrued which is part of their policy to do
They have had the car since 8/3/23
Peugeot 2008 - Car dealer still owing money after car returned - Adampr

Have they told you why?

Peugeot 2008 - Car dealer still owing money after car returned - SmithyBilly

The first step would be to review the terms and conditions of the contract you signed with the dealer, and any documents related to the purchase and return of the car. This will help you understand what you are entitled to and what the dealer is obligated to provide.

If you feel that the dealer is not fulfilling their obligations, you should contact them and request a full refund of the deposit, and any expenses incurred as part of their policy. It's important to provide them with specific details about what you are owed, and why you believe they are responsible for providing it. Hope that helps mate.