any - reporting unpaid road tax - Piglet53

I have a car near me that gets used EVERY day

However it has had no tax on it since Jun30. It is now November and despite reporting to DVLA on many occasions the vehicle is still on the road. I tried 111 but was told it was not their problem. DVLA are always complaining they are losing money through unpaid road tax yet they won't get off their behinds to get money from this one.. His tax amounts to £320 a year so you can see why he's not paid.

Any ideas on getting someone involved. If DVLA were to pop round during the day the car is not there so they'd go away instead of involving the police.

Edited by Piglet53 on 09/11/2023 at 23:46

any - reporting unpaid road tax - Adampr

Crikey, you must have a lot of time.on your hands.

You've reported it to DVLA and they will follow their processes. There are.letters to send and potentially court cases to be heard

any - reporting unpaid road tax - elekie&a/c doctor
Perhaps the car has a classification of ved exempt?
any - reporting unpaid road tax - Andrew-T

Until about 10 years ago cars had to show a windscreen tax-disc, so it was fairly easy to spot tax dodgers. Nowadays one has to have a sneaky reason to find out. I wonder what it is ?

The owner of the elderly 205 I bought last Christmas started to get aggro from a neighbour as soon as its MoT became overdue, which was part of the reason for selling - the other was that it rarely moved off its parking space and the neighbour preferred not to look at an apparently derelict 30-year-old car ....

any - reporting unpaid road tax - Middleman

Nowadays one has to have a sneaky reason to find out.

No, one doesn't. Anybody can find out the tax and MoT status of any vehicle here:

Enter the registration number of the vehicle - Check if a vehicle is taxed and has an MOT - GOV.UK (

any - reporting unpaid road tax - Andrew-T

<< Anybody can find out the tax and MoT status of any vehicle here: >>

Yes, but what prompts anyone to do that ? There is usually a trigger of some kind ?

any - reporting unpaid road tax - Middleman

Sorry, I get where you're coming from.

Possibly the OP is a bit miffed that this driver is freeloading and taking up parking space in his road. I would be too.

The DVLA will eventually get round to this. They don't have to witness the car being used. All vehicles must be either either taxed (and insured) or declared (and kept) off road by way of a SORN. The Registered Keepers of any that are not are committing an offence which the DVLA will action either by an out-of-court settlement or prosecution (eventually).

any - reporting unpaid road tax - Dag Hammar

I live in a close and the road does not lead anywhere so any vehicles passing my house have to eventually come back past again in order to leave the area.

I have on a few occasions seen a white van(s) drive very slowly past my house, do a turn at the end and then hasten away. Sometimes there are two men in the van and it’s as clear as day that as they creep slowly by they are having a jolly good look all around.

They might be looking for sc*** which a householder may have left on their driveway ?

Anyway, when I see these old white transit type vans cruising past I make a note of their registration plate just in case a neighbour has had anything ‘borrowed’ from their driveway.

Just recently I did go on the DVLA website and checked the reg No of one and it was untaxed so I continued through the website and logged a report.

Petty ? No, of course it isn’t. I pay my VED and why should some choose not to and hope to get away with it.

any - reporting unpaid road tax - Bromptonaut

There was a Toyota MR2 left in our road for weeks without being moved. The brake discs wew so rusty they looked like wood. Upon checking on line it was subject to SORN. Neighbour was fairly sue it belonged to a house on the next road with a long garden and a gate at rear. Apparently there was a 'menagerie of old cars' on their land.

I think he reported it to DVLA who duly visited and clamped it. Cost him several hundred pounds in penalties etc. Since then it's kept taxed.

I think it's a question of them being aware of where the car is at a time when they're agents are working.

Is the OP aware of whether the car he complains of is insured?

any - reporting unpaid road tax - bathtub tom

There's a car on the road near me with a council 'abandoned car' sticker on the window. It's been like that for weeks. It's taxed, but not insured or MOT'd. I suppose 'day insurance' could've been taken out while it was still MOT'd, enabling it to be taxed. I expect it'll stay there until the cows come home. DVLA aren't going to be interested, because it's taxed. BIBs aren't interested unless it's being driven without insurance. Nobody's interested about the expired MOT. I suppose the council don't want to go to the expense of removing it without re-couping their costs and are concerned it may leave them open to being sued if they do!

any - reporting unpaid road tax - Bromptonaut

There's a car on the road near me with a council 'abandoned car' sticker on the window. It's been like that for weeks. It's taxed, but not insured or MOT'd. I suppose 'day insurance' could've been taken out while it was still MOT'd, enabling it to be taxed. I expect it'll stay there until the cows come home. DVLA aren't going to be interested, because it's taxed. BIBs aren't interested unless it's being driven without insurance. Nobody's interested about the expired MOT. I suppose the council don't want to go to the expense of removing it without re-couping their costs and are concerned it may leave them open to being sued if they do!

Round here Council and Police are both pretty good at getting abandoned and uninsured cars off the road. When I worked in the office in the centre of Northampton it was fairly common to see cars being picked up by contractors for the Police because they'd pinged ANPR while stopped at the side of the road.

West Northants Council regularly have stuff on facebook about cars lifted from streets - mostly over on the east sdie of town.

any - reporting unpaid road tax - Maxime.

There was a ford estate parked in our close, being used intermittently. No MOT or tax for 6 months. Suddenly one day towed away. Owner asked if anyone saw what happened. Yep. Towed away by xxx services. When he asked it was removed by council.

The laugh. Only a low ved band.

Edited by ...... on 03/12/2023 at 07:32