Mazda 3 - Young Driver's First Speeding Ticket - KeerthiEva

How can I handle a speeding ticket I received as a young driver for going 76mph in a 55mph zone, which was later reduced to 65mph on the citation? I made a mistake, fueled by a tiring day at work and being frustrated by a car preventing me from passing. I complied and pulled over immediately when I saw the flashing lights, and I remained respectful and cooperative with the officer. As a relatively inexperienced driver, I am seeking guidance on how to navigate this situation and any steps I can take to minimize the impact on my driving record and insurance rates. Any advice or insights would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Mazda 3 - Young Driver's First Speeding Ticket - leaseman

Good morning Poster.

I guess by your description and terminology, that you are not UK based?? As this is a UK motoring site, you may be wise to direct your question to a US advice site

Good luck!

leaseman (Moderator)

Mazda 3 - Young Driver's First Speeding Ticket - KeerthiEva

Thank you for your response. I apologize if my terminology and description gave the impression that I am not based in the UK.

Mazda 3 - Young Driver's First Speeding Ticket - leaseman

So what was the outcome of the case? What offence(s) were you charged with and what fine, points on your licence were applied in the end?

What ever, you will have to declare the offence/ resultant points on any Insurance application for the number of years specified by the insurer or any other relevant supplier.

Mazda 3 - Young Driver's First Speeding Ticket - RT

Thank you for your response. I apologize if my terminology and description gave the impression that I am not based in the UK.

We don't have any 55 mph limits in the UK - that gave it away for me.

Mazda 3 - Young Driver's First Speeding Ticket - Brit_in_Germany

If the OP had been in the UK, the licence would be cancelled and a retest would be needed.

Mazda 3 - Young Driver's First Speeding Ticket - leaseman

Must admit, I was surprised to see the OP's response this morning, though vague. I await further information, if any is forthcoming.

Mazda 3 - Young Driver's First Speeding Ticket - Middleman

If the OP had been in the UK, the licence would be cancelled and a retest would be needed.

Only if he received six points (assuming he had none previously). Given the the excess mentioned (say, 81 in a 60 limit to compare with UK limits) that would have been extremely unlikely. That excess would normally qualify for a fixed penalty of £100 and three points, or, if dealt with in court, an income related fine and four points

Mazda 3 - Young Driver's First Speeding Ticket - leaseman

For those still perplexed by this posting, as I was......the OP has shown their true colours by posting pure Spam in the Classic Questions section. I have taken the appropriate action.

Mazda 3 - Young Driver's First Speeding Ticket - gordonbennet

If the OP had been in the UK, the licence would be cancelled and a retest would be needed.

Only if he received six points (assuming he had none previously). Given the the excess mentioned (say, 81 in a 60 limit to compare with UK limits) that would have been extremely unlikely. That excess would normally qualify for a fixed penalty of £100 and three points, or, if dealt with in court, an income related fine and four points

Purely out of wishing to know...just in case :-) what ranges would a typical income related fine be where the £100 fixed penalty would otherwise have applied please.

I ask this as along time HGV licence holder in the knowledge that HGV drivers get very heavily penalised for certain offences, ie holding a mobile phone which now has a more or less automatic licence suspension as well as very heavy fine...not complaining about that it goes with the job these days just wondering if an HGV (and presumably PCV) licence automatically means heavier penalties whatever the vehicle being driven at the time of the offence.

Many thanks

mods, sorry it might be off topic but it appears the OP isn't taking part so maybe make some better use of the thread.

Edited by gordonbennet on 06/12/2023 at 10:45

Mazda 3 - Young Driver's First Speeding Ticket - Middleman

Courses and fixed penalties are usually offered in accordance with the Association of Chief Police Officer’s (ACPO) guidance. This was drawn up in 2011 and was adopted by the National Police Chiefs’ Council when the ACPO was abolished in 2015. All forces in England & Wales are said to use the guidance. Similar thresholds are used in Scotland, but courses are not offered there. The guidance can be found here:

Paragraph 9.6 includes a table showing the various thresholds. So, for example, where the limit is 70 mph, enforcement normally begins at 79mph (Limit + 10% +2mph). Between that speed and 86mph (Limit +10% +9mph) a course may be offered if the driver is eligible. Beyond that and up to 95mph a fixed penalty may be offered. Above 95mph will see court action.

These thresholds are normally followed regardless of the vehicle involved though the police always have the discretion to prosecute through the courts if they see fit. There is no appeal against their decision to prosecute as courses and fixed penalties are offered entirely at their discretion.

If a driver is prosecuted in court, the normal sentencing guidelines are adopted. These are here:

They are fairly self-explanatory apart from the fines. “Band A” is half a week’s net income; “Band B” is one week’s bet income; “Band C” is 1.5 weeks’ net income. Fines are reduced by a third for an early guilty plea. The maximum fine for speeding is £1,000 or £2,500 if on a motorway. That is the maximum before any discount is applied. Courts have the discretion to increase the fine and the points/length of ban beyond those recommended if there are aggravating features. As you can see, speeding in an LGV. HGV or PSV is seen as an aggravating feature.

Hope this helps.

Mazda 3 - Young Driver's First Speeding Ticket - gordonbennet

It certainly does help, much obliged for that comprehensive reply Middleman.
