Speeding fines after vehicle transfer - Lanny

Hi all

Just some advice for daughters (****head) boyfriend..

So he bought a fabia back in August off a friend of his.

The car had been declared as SORN prior to him buying it as the lad he bought it off had another car that he was using.

Daughters boyfriend purchased said car and had a nightmare taxing it as I can recall.

He then got a fine for the vehicle being untaxed but is blaming the lad who sold it him.

He's also had speeding fines in HIS name and is trying to blame the lad who sold him the car.

He's ignored the letters and has now had a letter saying he's to go to court bla bla bla and he could get banned?

He's trying to say the speeding fines were from before he bought the car but the lad is saying the car wasn't in use as it was SORN and for the fines to be in Daughter's boyfriends name, the car must have been registered to him at the time of the offences.

He also still owes the lad a grand for the car

Any advice please?

Speeding fines after vehicle transfer - Adampr

Tell her to get a new boyfriend.

Oh, advice for him?

Presumably he got a NIP through the post. All he needed to do is say that the other person was driving the car at the time. If he's not bothered and ended up in court, he should probably start looking for evidence that it wasn't him. Receipt? Bank transfer?

As for the tax, it can only be his fault. Tax doesn't travel with the car anymore, so he needed to do it when he bought the car.

Speeding fines after vehicle transfer - Xileno

A NIP has a date and time of the offence, so was this before or after the date the V5 changed hands? Surely that's all the info needed to determine who is liable. Or have I missed something?

Speeding fines after vehicle transfer - Lanny

Thanks for the replies

Yes she does need a new boyfriend!

There's no receipts or anything to prove when he bought the car but all I can tell you is he didn't have the car for long and swapped it but the speeding fines were from when he had it ??

So not from the lad who had it prior to him nor from the lad who had it after him.

The tax fine he had said he was parked on a street with no tax but surely they'd have clamped him - there was no clamp however.

So he can contest the fines all he wants but with no proof of anything I don't see how he can actually get out of this.

He's facing a court date and a possible ban so he can kiss goodbye to the new merc he's getting on finance. I'm going to p*** myself if that happens, can't stand the boy

Speeding fines after vehicle transfer - Lanny

Bearing in mind too that he's had plenty of chances to reply to the letters but hasn't and this has been ongoing since August/September.

Speeding fines after vehicle transfer - Xileno

It sounds a complete mess he's got himself into. It's not your problem, I would leave him to sort it out.

Speeding fines after vehicle transfer - focussed

Having had a chuckle at the preceding mess, I would point out that the situation when selling a vehicle in the UK is not helped by the antiquated V5 form that doesn't include any way to officially record the time of the sale - there's a space for the date, but not the time.

The time is critical (speed cameras etc) as your buyer can commit any offence on his way from the point of sale, and you the seller are liable.

What we have to do in France is to strike two black lines diagonally across the registration document and write sold (in French) and the date and time, both buyer and seller have to sign it, between the black lines, the buyer's name and address has to filled in on the reg doc.

We take a copy or phone snap of the reg document for reference.

We then send the complete reg document off to the government registration office.

This cancels the registration of the vehicle to the seller, and the buyer has a month to re-register it in his/her name and address.

Edited by focussed on 09/02/2023 at 00:40

Speeding fines after vehicle transfer - skidpan

the antiquated V5 form that doesn't include any way to officially record the time of the sale

If the buyer taxes the car before driving away (like the buyers of the last 2 cars I sold did) the time is clearly recorded.

But how many people simply drive away?