Mercedes-Benz CLS (2011 - 2018)

reviewed by Andrew Magnus Schofield on 1 April 2024
reviewed by Anonymous on 1 April 2024


reviewed by Anonymous on 5 December 2023
Overall rating
How it drives
Fuel economy
Tax/Insurance/Warranty costs
Cost of maintenance and repairs
Experience at the dealership
How practical it is
How you rate the manufacturer
Overall reliability

This car is stylish, comfortable, classy quiet and fast.

My car was almost two years old when I acquired it, however it had done less than 6000 miles, it was in almost mint condition and I got it for an extremely good price. Today, 12 years later, it has less than 60000 on the clock, I have had it regularly serviced and always ask for the opinion of the is always "keep it".

Last year some clot hit it (and ran) when it was was parked in a quiet street. The cost of the repair was £2000+ and the insurers wanted to write it off, its current value being approximately £3000. Not a chance, so I had it repaired and I decided to spend a bit on some cosmetic work, which was quite expensive, but the car honestly looks almost brand new. At its last service last week, same story...."keep it"!

It is extremely comfortable for driver and passengers and is very quiet even at motorway speeds. I do drive to the north of Scotland frequently and also to Lancashire from Glasgow. It is always great fun to drive...even approaching 80mph you know that there is a vast reserve of power under your foot (I know, tut tut). To be honest, I have never approached its upper limit, wouldn't dare! It also has the best pre-installed car audio system I've heard.

It has a huge boot, but no facility to fold down the rear seats. Don't expect to transport a violincello or skis easily.

Is it a drivers car? Yes and no. It does everything you would expect on town and long runs and is a delight to drive, but you would not want to chuck it around country corners with abandon. Its predecessor was a Mazda RX 7 and you certainly could in that.

The insurance is not too bad, but the car tax is substantial. I use a specialist garage for servicing etc and fuel consumption around town is heavy, but nothing like the Mazda. It has not caused me any grief since I've had it. The monthly costs are far less than the repayments on a new car.

I have no intention of replacing it any time soon........what on earth could I get for less than £35,000 - £45,000 that would come close. Nothing

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reviewed by Anonymous on 18 January 2022
reviewed by Andrew Magnus Schofield on 28 April 2020
reviewed by malcolm hunter on 26 August 2016
reviewed by wallywalnut on 13 August 2015
reviewed by Rowly on 6 May 2014
reviewed by tonyroz on 24 January 2014
reviewed by Baxi on 13 October 2012
reviewed by Jwilco on 16 May 2011

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About this car

Road TaxD–L
MPG28.5–57.7 mpg
Real MPG82.5%

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submitted by Anonymous