Mercedes-Benz SL (2012 - 2020)

reviewed by Anonymous on 17 July 2023

SL63 5.5 571 AMG Speedshift Mct 2dr

reviewed by Anonymous on 10 July 2023
Overall rating
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Overall reliability

Great car with very few faults

I purchased this car for £40k in 2021, not bad given it has a list of extras that made the list price £130k. The build quality is as you would expect, excellent. It is the previous generation 5.5L, but it’s beautifully smooth, very responsive, especially in S+ mode and it sounds lovely. A long journey (+ 2 hrs) is no problem, but the ride is quite firm…if its motorways, its a delight, but in Pot hole city where I live, it does crash over the bad road surface. I have 19 inch wheels, so I think the 20 inch wheels would be verging on uncomfortable. The exhaust note is perfect, a lovely whoomph on start up, very rumbley generally and on full chat in S+, it bellows, but in a sonorous way, not the rather artificial way the newer 4L engine barks and crackles…..personal choice, but this model had a more defined sound….I put an after market Apple Airplay module in from Braybrookes, which made the car feel more modern, and very easy to drive with spoken commends/messaging etc.

The servicing was pretty good value, but this was a low mileage example and probably well looked after - £600 for a “A” service was good news (from Brooklands)….a litre of Mobil1 every 2 or 3000 miles and washer fluid was the only thing needed between services.

The car is now getting a little dated, but it has lots of presence, its a treat to drive around town and out on the open road, if you don’t mind a little bit of a squeeze getting in and out, and a firm ride, this, IMHO, is a much nicer ownership proposition that my previous C43/63 purchases….but then my next birthday is 65 so maybe im getting to that stage when class is more valuable to me than brawn…….and probably why I pick up my S63 coupe later this week.

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reviewed by Anonymous on 19 December 2020
reviewed by mark999 on 13 August 2020
reviewed by Corporate Gypsy on 6 September 2018
reviewed by Anonymous on 4 March 2017
reviewed by Graham Nichols on 9 December 2016

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Road TaxH–M
MPG23.7–39.2 mpg
Real MPG86.8%

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submitted by Anonymous