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Does the DPF warning light in my pickup truck mean it's regenerating?
My daughter has bought a three year old Isuzu pickup truck with only 12,000 miles on the clock. The DPF light keeps coming on, the main dealer says that this is normal because it shows that the regeneration system is working. Do you agree or is the filter in need of replacement?
Asked on 26 June 2017 by derek markham

Fill the tank with Shell V-Power Nitro Plus diesel. Take the truck for a 100 mile run keeping the engine between 2000 and 2500rpm as much as possible. If that doesn't clear it, then it needs a forced regeneration. At the end of your run, do not switch off the engine. Get out, sniff the air. If you smell heat/burning then the DPF is actively regenerating. Get back into the truck and drive it another 10 miles for the active regeneration to complete.
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