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Ford Transit MOT Results
62.8% pass rate
from 689,002 tests
in 2021
in 2021
Select a vehicle year
Pass rate by age
Pass rate by mileage
Failure rates by category
Lamps, reflectors and electrical equipment | 17.0% |
Suspension | 12.9% |
Brakes | 12.8% |
Body, chassis, structure | 8.0% |
Visibility | 7.8% |
Tyres | 5.4% |
Noise, emissions and leaks | 4.4% |
Steering | 3.4% |
Seat belts and supplementary restraint systems | 2.4% |
Identification of the vehicle | 0.6% |
Road Wheels | 0.3% |
Buses and coaches supplementary tests | 0.1% |
Speedometer and speed limiter | 0.0% |
Seat belt installation check | 0.0% |
Number of tests by age